Women in Antiquity, HIA 311

Week 11 Back to syllabus Week 13

Week 12: Beyond the Roman Aristocracy

Friday, May 8

(1) Video lecture on Youtube

  12) Beyond the Roman Aristocracy   Quiz 7 Recap

(2) Do the readings

  Pomeroy, “Women of the Roman Lower Classes” (Goddesses ch. 9, pp. 190–204)
  “The Twelve Tables”, fragments
Curran, “Rape and Rape Victims in The Metamorphoses”
Hallett, “The Role of Women in Roman Elegy: Counter-Cultural Feminism”, with responses
Roller, “Horizontal Women: Posture and Sex in the Roman Convivium”
Savunen, “Women and Elections in Pompeii” (WIA ch. 13, pp. 194–206)
Warren, “The Women of Etruria”

(3) Post in the comments below
(4) Take Quiz #8 (closed)

Take the quiz between May 8 and 14.

  Quiz 8 Recap


Discussion and Presentations

Respond to and discuss the readings and lecture. Also try to react to what other students are saying. This is where we get at what these readings and ideas are all about, so discussing and interacting here is absolutely vital.

  • Your comments should include your reactions to the arguments made in the readings, both specific points made by the writers and their overall claims, assumptions, and biases, as well as responses to comments made by other students.
  • Your participation grade will be derive not only from the fact that you have posted, but on how well you contribute to the discussion of that day’s topic.

Make sure to also include a question that arose from you from today's readings or lecture. It can be any kind of question, but ideally something that provokes some discussion.