Women in Antiquity

Course Cites

For guidance on formatting footnotes and bibliographies, see the Elephant Pamphlet, pages 13-19, and the Citations Handout.

Note: The cites given below are in Chicago citation style. You may use any citation style as long as the necessary information—author, title, year, publisher, plus journal and page range for articles—is included.

Assigned Texts
Bibliography Pomeroy, Sarah B. 1995. Goddesses, whores, wives, and slaves: women in classical antiquity. New York: Schocken.
Footnote Pomeroy, [page number]
Primary Sources

Listed alphabetically by author. For context and accuracy of citation, students are encouraged to find full versions of the works below, marked with sections or line numbers you can cite specifically, rather than relying on the excerpts used in class.

Bibliography Aeschylus, and Herbert Weir Smyth. 1926. Eumenides. Harvard University Press.
Footnote Aeschylus, Eumenides
Bibliography Euripides, and Edward P. Coleridge. 1913. The plays of Euripides. London: G. Bell and Sons.
Footnote Euripides, Bacchae
Bibliography Euripides, and David Kovacs. 2001. Cyclops, Alcestis, Medea. Harvard Univ. Press
Footnote Euripides, Medea
Bibliography George, Andrew. 2003. Epic of Gilgamesh. Penguin Publishing Group.
Footnote George, [page number]
Bibliography Hesiod, and Hugh G. Evelyn-White. 1914. Hesiod. The Homeric hymns, and Homerica. New York: Macmillan.
Footnote Hesiod, Theogony, [section as marked]
Bibliography Hesiod, and Hugh G. Evelyn-White. 1914. Hesiod. The Homeric hymns, and Homerica. New York: Macmillan.
Footnote Hesiod, Works and Days, [section as marked]
Bibliography Holy Bible, Revised Standard Version. 1946. Friendship Press.
Footnote Esther [chapter:verse]
Bibliography Livy, and William Masfen Roberts. 1912. The History of Rome. London: J.M. Dent.
Footnote Livy 1.9–1.33 (Sabine women); Livy 1.57–59 (Lucretia); Livy 34.2-4 (Oppian Law)
Bibliography Pliny, and William Melmoth. 1935. Pliny, Letters. Cambridge University Press.
Footnote Pliny, Letters 4.19; 81; 54; 34; 43.
Bibliography Plutarch, and Frank Cole Babbitt. 1928. Moralia, Volume II. Harvard University Press.
Footnote Plutarch, Moralia, “Advice to the Bride and Groom”
Bibliography Sophocles, and Richard Jebb. 1891. Sophocles: the plays and fragments. Cambridge University Press.
Footnote Sophocles, Antigone
Bibliography Theocritus, and J. M. Edmonds. 1938. The Greek bucolic poets. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Footnote Theocritus, Idylls
Bibliography Wilson, Mark. 2012. Readings from Hellas: Sources for the Exploration of Ancient Greece, 2d Edition. CreateSpace.
Agamemnon’s InsultHomer, Iliad 1
Nausicaa and the StrangerHomer, Odyssey 6.48–315
The Artifice of PenelopeHomer, Odyssey 2, 18, 23

Listed alphabetically by author.

Bibliography Archer, Léonie J. 1993. “The Role of Jewish Women in the Religion, Ritual, and Cult of Graeco-Roman Palestine.” In Images of Women in Antiquity, pp. 244-298. Routledge.
Footnote Archer, [page number]
Bibliography Archer, Léonie J. 1994. “Notions of community and the exclusion of the female in Jewish history and historiography.” In Women In Ancient Societies, pp. 53-69. Palgrave Macmillan, London.
Footnote Archer, [page number]
Bibliography Arthur, Marylin B. 1973. “Early Greece: The origins of the Western attitude toward women.” Arethusa 6: 7-58.
Footnote Arthur, [page number]
Bibliography Arthur, Marylin B. 1981. “The divided world of Iliad VI.” Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 8.1-2: 21-46.
Footnote Arthur, [page number]
Bibliography Bailey, John A. 1970, “Initiation and the primal woman in Gilgamesh and Genesis 2-3.” Journal of Biblical Literature 89.2: 137-150.
Footnote Bailey, [page number]
Bibliography Beard, Mary. 1995. “Re-reading (Vestal) Virginity.” In Women in Antiquity: New Assessments, ch. 11, 166–177. London: Routledge.
Footnote Beard, [page number]
Bibliography Abusch, T. 1986. “Ishtar’s· Proposal and Gilgamesh’s Refusal: An Interpretation of ‘The Gilgamesh Epic’, Tablet 6, Lines 1-79”. History of Religions 26.2: 143-87.
Footnote Abusch, [page number]
Bibliography Boatwright, Mary T. 2011. “Women and gender in the Forum Romanum.” Transactions of the American Philological Association 105-141.
Footnote Boatwright, [page number]
Bibliography Brock, Sebastian. 1994. “Reading between the lines: Sarah and the sacrifice of Isaac (Genesis, Chapter 22).” In Women in Ancient Societies, 169-180. Palgrave Macmillan, London
Footnote Brock, [page number]
Bibliography Burton, Joan. 1998. “Women’s Commensality in the Ancient Greek World.” Greece & Rome 45.2: 143-165.
Footnote Burton, [page number]
Bibliography Carp, Teresa. 1981. “Two matrons of the late republic.” Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 8.1-2: 189-200.
Footnote Carp, [page number]
Bibliography Clark, Gillian. 1981. “Roman women.” Greece & Rome 28.2: 193-212.
Footnote Clark, [page number]
Bibliography Corbier, Mireille. 1995. “Male Power and Legitimacy through Women: The Domus Augusta under the Julio-Claudians.” In Women in Antiquity: New Assessments, ch. 12, pp.178–193. London: Routledge.
Footnote Corbier, [page number]
Bibliography Curran, Leo C. 1978. “Rape and rape victims in the Metamorphoses.” Arethusa 11.1/2: 213-241.
Footnote Curran, [page number]
Bibliography Depla, Annette. 1994. “Women in ancient Egyptian wisdom literature.” In Women in Ancient Societies, pp. 24-52. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Footnote Depla, [page number]
Bibliography Dewald, Carolyn. 2013. “Women and culture in Herodotus’ Histories.” In Reflections of Women in Antiquity, pp. 91-125. Routledge.
Footnote Dewald, [page number]
Bibliography Dover, Kenneth J. 1973. “Classical Greek attitudes to sexual behaviour.” Arethusa 6.1: 59-73.
Footnote Dover, [page number]
Bibliography Dowden, Ken. 1995. “Approaching Women Through Myth: Vital Tool or Self-Delusion?.” In Women in Antiquity: New Assessments, ch. 3, 44–57. London: Routledge.
Footnote Dowden, [page number]
Bibliography Fantham, Elaine. 1995. “Aemilia Pudentilla: Or the Wealthy Widow’s Choice.” In Women in Antiquity: New Assessments, ch. 14, 220–232. London: Routledge.
Footnote Fantham, [page number]
Bibliography Fischler, Susan. 1994. “Social Stereotypes and Historical Analysis: the case of the imperial women at Rome.” In Women in Ancient Societies, pp. 115-133. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Footnote Fischler, [page number]
Bibliography Fisher, Elizabeth A. 1978. “Theodora and Antonina in the Historia Arcana: History and/or fiction?” Arethusa 11.1/2: 253-279.
Footnote Fisher, [page number]
Bibliography Foley, Helene P. 2013. “The conception of women in Athenian drama.” In Reflections of Women In Antiquity, pp. 127-168. Routledge.
Footnote Foley, [page number]
Bibliography Foxhall, Lin. 1995. “Women’s Ritual and Men’s Work in Ancient Athens.” In Women in Antiquity: New Assessments, ch. 6, 97–110. London: Routledge.
Footnote Foxhall, [page number]
Bibliography Hallett, Judith P. 1973. “The role of women in Roman elegy: counter-cultural feminism.” Arethusa 6.1: 103-124.
Footnote Hallett, [page number]
Bibliography Harris, Rivkah. 1991. “Inanna-Ishtar as paradox and a coincidence of opposites.” History of Religions 30.3: 261-278.
Footnote Harris, [page number]
Bibliography Heath, John. 2011. “Women’s work: Female transmission of mythical narrative.” Transactions of the American Philological Association 69-104.
Footnote Heath, [page number]
Bibliography Katz, Marilyn. 1995. “Ideology and the ‘Status of Women’ in Ancient Greece.” In Women in Antiquity: New Assessments, ch. 2, 21–43. London: Routledge.
Footnote Katz, [page number]
Bibliography King, Helen. 1995. “Self-Help, Self-Knowledge: In Search of the Patient in Hippocratic Gynaecology.” In Women in Antiquity: New Assessments, ch. 9. London: Routledge.
Footnote King, [page number]
Bibliography Lambropoulou, Voula. 1995. “Some Pythagorean Female Virtues.” In Women in Antiquity: New Assessments, ch. 8, 122–134. London: Routledge.
Footnote Lambropoulou, [page number]
Bibliography Lefkowitz, Mary. 2013. “Influential Women.” In Images of Women in Antiquity, 56-57. Routledge.
Footnote Lefkowitz, [page number]
Bibliography Lesko, Barbara S. 1991. “Women’s monumental mark on ancient Egypt.” The Biblical Archaeologist 54.1: 4-15.
Footnote Lesko, [page number]
Bibliography Marry, John D. 1979. “Sappho and the Heroic Ideal: ἔρωτος ἀρετή.” Arethusa 12.1: 71-92.
Footnote Marry, [page number]
Bibliography Nixon, Lucia. 1995. “The Cults of Demeter and Kore.” In Women in Antiquity: New Assessments, ch. 5, 75–96. London: Routledge.
Footnote Nixon, [page number]
Bibliography Ortner, Sherry B. 1972. “Is female to male as nature is to culture?” Feminist Studies 1.2: 5-31.
Footnote Ortner, [page number]
Bibliography Perkell, Christine G. 1981. “On Creusa, Dido, and the quality of victory in Virgil’s Aeneid.” Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 8.1-2: 201-223.
Footnote Perkell, [page number]
Bibliography Pomeroy, Sarah. 1983. “Infanticide in Hellenistic Greece”. In Images of Women in Antiquity, 207-222. Routledge.
Footnote Pomeroy, [page number]
Bibliography Pomeroy, Sarah. 1995. “Women’s Identity and the Family in the Classical Polis.” In Women in Antiquity: New Assessments, ch. 7, 111–121. London: Routledge.
Footnote Pomeroy, [page number]
Bibliography Pomeroy, Sarah. 2008. “Spartan Women among the Romans: Adapting Models, Forging Identities.” Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome. Supplementary Volumes 7: 221-234.
Footnote Pomeroy, [page number]
Bibliography Robins, Gay. 1983. “The god’s wife of Amun in the 18th dynasty in Egypt”. In Images of Women in Antiquity, 65-78. Routledge.
Footnote Robins, [page number]
Bibliography Roehrig, Catharine H., Renée Dreyfus, and Cathleen A. Keller, eds. 2005. Hatshepsut: from queen to pharaoh. Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Footnote Roehrig, [page number]
Bibliography Roller, Matthew B. 2003, “Horizontal women: posture and sex in the Roman convivium.” American Journal of Philology 124.3: 377-422.
Footnote Roller, [page number]
Bibliography Savunen, Liisa. 1995. “Women and Elections in Pompeii.” In Women in Antiquity: New Assessments, ch. 13, 194–206. London: Routledge.
Footnote Savunen, [page number]
Bibliography Segal, Charles. 1978. “The Menace of Dionysus: Sex Roles And Reversals In Euripides’ Bacchae.” Arethusa 11.1/2: 185-202.
Footnote Segal, [page number]
Bibliography Slater, Philip E. 1974. “The Greek family in history and myth.” Arethusa 7.1: 9-44.
Footnote Slater, [page number]
Bibliography Stigers, Eva Stehle. 1981. “Sappho’s private world.” Women’s Studies: an Interdisciplinary Journal 8.1-2: 47-63.
Footnote Stigers, [page number]
Bibliography Thonemann, Peter. 2010. “The women of Akmoneia.” The Journal of Roman Studies 100: 163-178.
Footnote Thonemann, [page number]
Bibliography Venit, Marjorie Susan. 1998. “Women in their cups.” The Classical World 92.2: 117-130.
Footnote Venit, [page number]
Bibliography Walker, S. 1983. “Women and Housing in Classical Greece: The Archaeological Evidence.” In Images of Women in Classical Antiquity, 81-91. Routledge.
Footnote Walker, [page number]
Bibliography Warren, Larissa Bonfante. 1973. “The Women of Etruria.” Arethusa 6.1: 91-101.
Footnote Warren, [page number]
Bibliography Wilson, Anna. 1995. “Female Sanctity in the Greek Calendar.” In Women in Antiquity: New Assessments, ch. 16, 233–247. London: Routledge.
Footnote Wilson, [page number]
Bibliography Zeitlin, Froma. 1978. “The dynamics of misogyny: Myth and mythmaking in the Oresteia.” Arethusa 11.1/2: 149-184.
Footnote Zeitlin, [page number]
Bibliography Zeitlin, Froma. 1995. “Signifying Difference: The Myth of Pandora.” In Women in Antiquity: New Assessments, ch. 4, 58–74. London: Routledge.
Footnote Zeitlin, [page number]