
Video lectures for online or hybrid versions of my courses, publicly available online via YouTube.

Note: All of these are 20-30-minute topic videos except where noted.

Studying History

Women in Antiquity

Note: These are older, full lecture videos for the online version of the course. Mouseover for lengths.

History of Ancient Religion

Note: These videos consist of plain audio recordings of in-person lectures, with accompanying slides.

History of Ancient Greece

History of Ancient Rome

  Playlist–History of Ancient Rome
Week 1 - Introduction and Evidence
  Quick Welcome and Orientation Video   Stages of Roman History   Roman Names   Optional Bonus: Sample Inscription
Week 2 - Tribes and Kings
  Italy and its Peoples   The Roman Kings - Part 1   The Roman Kings - Part 2   The End of Monarchy
Week 3 - Patrician and Plebeian
  The Roman Republic   Consuls, Tribunes, and Dictators   Senate and People   The Conflict of the Orders
Week 4 - Conquering the West
  Veii and the Sack   Samnites and Pyrrhus   The First Punic War   The War with Hannibal
Week 5 - Acquisition of Empire
  Rome and the East   Acquisition of Empire
Week 6 - Optimates and Populares
  The Brothers Gracchus   Marius   Sulla
Week 7 - Crossing the Rubicon
  Pompey and Cicero   Caesar
Week 8 - End of the Republic
  Caesar's Assassination   Antony and Octavian
Week 9 - Augustus, Princeps, Imperator
  Octavian Becomes Augustus   The Reign of Augustus
Week 10 - Succession and Empire
   After Augustus (Part 1)   After Augustus (Part 2)   The Flavian Principate
Week 11 - The Roman Peace
  The World of the Principate   The Five Good Emperors
Week 12 - Third Century Crisis
  The Waning of Stability     The Third Century Crisis   Religion in the Roman Empire
Week 13 - The New Empire
  Diocletian and Constantine   Christianization
Week 14 - The End of Antiquity
  14 - The Fall of the West  

Civilizations of the Ancient World