All Videos
This page gathers all of the videos that are assigned during the course of the semester in one place, in case you need them for review or reference.
Assignment Overviews
Welcome and Orientation (4:11)
Quick Overview: The Clouds Essay (19:52)
Quick overview: The Images Essay (11:00)
Quiz Recaps
Quiz #1 Recap (15:34)
Quiz #2 Recap (14:55)
Quiz #3 Recap (12:12)
Quiz #4 Recap (8:34)
Quiz #5 Recap (18:41)
Quiz #6 Recap (12:05)
Quiz #7 Recap (28:42)
Quiz #8 Recap (7:44)
Quiz #9 Recap (18:43)
Course Content
Eras of History (19:39)
Evidence (27:20)
The Origins of Sumer (9:59)
Writing (20:07)
The Epic of Gilgamesh (21:15)
The City-States of Sumer (14:54)
Mesopotamia and Empire (25:58)
Unification of Egypt (19:49)
Old Kingdom Egypt (13:13)
New Kingdom Egypt (20:44)
The Minoans (19:08)
Mycenaeans (22:00)
Philistines and Phoenicians (24:57)
The Hebrews (25:18)
The Neo-Assyrian Empire (13:50)
The Persian Empire (25:10)
Eurasian cultures (22:26)
The Greek Dark Age (1) (20:13)
The Greek Dark Age (2) (17:01)
Archaic Greece (23:13)
Sparta (24:36)
Early Athens (17:17)
The Clouds (22:21)
Persian Invasions (19:57)
Fifth-Century Athens (1) (16:18)
Fifth-Century Athens (2) (16:39)
The Peloponnesian War (29:27)
The Fourth-Century Crisis (20:58)
Alexander (17:36)
The Hellenistic East (14:46)
Hellenistic culture (30:11)
Early Italy (Part 1) (16:28)
Early Italy (Part 2) (14:06)
Rome under the Kings (26:10)
The Early Republic (Part 1) (21:38)
The Early Republic (Part 2) (14:58)
Roman Expansionism (23:10)
The Punic Wars (26:55)
Roman Wars in the East (19:03)
Sulla and Pompey (Part 1) (18:54)
Sulla and Pompey (Part 2) (12:34)
Julius Caesar (20:26)
Augustus and the Principate (23:45)
The Early Principate (Part 1) (19:23)
The Early Principate (Part 2) (16:05)
The Roman World (25:44)
Christianity and the Romans (27:04)