History of Ancient Rome, HIA 321

Week 7 Back to syllabus

Presentation #2 Sign-up

Reply in the comments below with the presentation you want to take. Specify by number so it's clear. Make sure the one you're signing up for is not already taken by someone else. Everyone must sign up for one presentation. As always I'm grateful to those who sign up for the earlier ones!

  • Presentations will be given in the comments that class meeting. Forum presentations are due the night before the class meeting day, so they are already there for people to read and respond to. The forum post will count as your written version, so you do not need to submit that separately.
  • The forum post must meet the write-up requirements in the syllabus in terms of length (the length of a 2-3 page essay = ~500-750 words) and expected content (reactive and analytical).

Pick one to present in the forum:

  1. PLUTARCH / The Assassination of Julius Caesar — forum post due before Mar 26 — Brian
  2. Q. CICERO / The Roman Candidate — forum post due before Mar 26
  3. SALLUST / Life in Rome in the Late Republic — forum post due before Mar 26 — Robert
  4. CICERO / Scipio’s Dream — forum post due before Mar 26 — Zola
  5. CICERO / On the Rise of Augustus — forum post due before Mar 26 — Sergio
  6. CATULLUS / Selections — forum post due before Apr 16
  7. HORACE / The Secular Hymn — forum post due before Apr 16
  8. VELLEIUS PATERCULUS / The Battle of Teutoburg Forest — forum post due before Apr 16 — Julio
  9. AUGUSTUS / Acts of the Divine Augustus — forum post due before Apr 16 — Cris
  10. TACITUS / The Death of Augustus and the Accession of Tiberius Nero — forum post due before Apr 16 — Genesis
  11. CLAUDIUS / A Speech on Incorporating the Gauls — forum post due before Apr 23
  12. SENECA / The Pumpkinification of Claudius — forum post due before Apr 23 — David
  13. TACITUS / The Principle of Adoption — forum post due before Apr 23
  14. TACITUS / The Legions Proclaim Vespasian Emperor — forum post due before Apr 23 — Kwad
  15. JOSEPHUS / The Roman Army in the First Century CE — forum post due before Apr 23 — Christian
  16. LEGAL TEXT / Law Concerning the Power of Vespasian — forum post due before Apr 23
  17. PLINY THE YOUNGER / Panegyric Addressed to the Emperor Trajan — forum post due before Apr 23
  18. PLINY THE YOUNGER / Correspondence of a Governor and the Emperor — forum post due before Apr 23
  19. SUETONIUS / How Domitian Attempted to Amuse the Populace — forum post due before Apr 23 — Zak
  20. PLINY THE ELDER / The Grandeur of Rome — forum post due before Apr 30 — Goodness
  21. STRABO, OXYRHYNCHOS PAPYRI / Egypt under the Roman Empire — forum post due before Apr 30 — Autumn
  22. VARIOUS / Roman Educational Practices — forum post due before Apr 30 — Kiara
  23. MARCUS AURELIUS / On the Virtue of Antoninus Pius — forum post due before Apr 30
  24. EUTROPIUS / The Reign of Marcus Aurelius — forum post due before Apr 30 — Christiana
  25. ZOSIMUS / Imperial Weakness Invites Barbarian Aggression — forum post due before May 7 — Akeeme
  26. EUSEBIUS / The Persecution under Decius — forum post due before May 7
  27. VOPISCUS / Aurelian’s Conquest of Palmyra — forum post due before May 7 — Breddy
  28. HERODIAN / How Didius Julianus Bought the Empire at Auction — forum post due before May 7 — Mayra
  29. VARIOUS / The Lives of Soldiers and Sailors — forum post due before May 7 — Cynthia
  30. DIOCLETIAN AND CONSTANTINE / Efforts to Stabilize the Economy — forum post due before May 14 — Hanielyah
  31. EUSEBIUS / The Conversion of Constantine — forum post due before May 14 — Dan
  32. CONSTANTINE / The Edict of Milan — forum post due before May 14 — Adrian
  33. SOZOMEN / Constantine Founds Constantinople, 324 CE — forum post due before May 14
  34. JULIAN / Letter to Arsacius — forum post due before May 14
  35. AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS / The Luxury of the Rich in Rome — forum post due before May 21 — Melissa
  36. PROCOPIUS OF CAESAREA / Alaric’s Sack of Rome, 410 CE — forum post due before May 21 — Shaqille
  37. RUTILIUS NAMATIANUS / The Greatness of Rome in the Days of Ruin — forum post due before May 21
  38. JORDANES / The Battle of Chalôns, 451 CE — forum post due before May 21 — Greg


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