Ancient Civ.



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Current Announcements (2)

Grades are posted

29 May 2024

Course grades have been posted to CUNYfirst. Have a great summer!

Link to My Grades page

Grading page updated

28 May 2024

The grading page has been updated with all papers I have received and a provisional grade for the course. If there is an assignment or revision you’re sure you submitted but that isn’t reflected on the grading page, please contact me immediately.

Official grades will be posted to CUNYfirst on Wednesday.

Link to My Grades page


Final Exam grades and markups posted

25 May 2024

The grades and markups for the Final Exam are posted on the My Grades page on the course website.

Remember, the “Grade so far” calculation is provisional. If you have any missing assignments or reversible deductions, please submit them to BlackBoard as soon as possible to bring about the highest possible course grade. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to seek me out by email.

Link to My Grades page

Good luck on the exam!

20 May 2024

Email me with any questions about the exam! I’ll also be in my office afterwards if there’s anything you need to discuss regarding late papers, reversible deductions, and the like.

The exam will take place Tuesday, May 21 from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. in our usual room. See you then!

Link to Exams page

Images Essay grades and markups posted

18 May 2024

The grades and markups for the Images Essay are posted on the My Grades page on the course website.

If you have any questions about the grades, comments, or deductions, please don’t hesitate to seek me out by email.

Reversible deductions. Some of you may find that you received “reversible deductions” for issues relating to formatting and citations. The good news is, those are points that you can get back. Check the cover page of your markup to see if there are any check marks and points taken off next to the reversible deductions. If there are, I made notes on the cover sheet or in the essay about the issue, and included a handout with the requirements.

Please resubmit your essay to BlackBoard with those problems fixed, and I’ll be in a position to reverse those deductions. Only reversible deductions can be reversed, so don’t resubmit for anything other than reversible deductions.

Missing essays. If you have not gotten your paper in, please do so as soon as you can. In terms of your course grade you’re better off with any grade, even with a lateness penalty, than a zero for the assignment. Remember also that the lateness penalty is capped at a maximum of 30 points, so turning your paper in, even very late, is better than not doing so.

Remember, the deadline for all late papers and submissions for reversible deductions is May 27. I will not accept any papers or revisions after that date.

Link to My Grades page

Quiz #9 grades and markups posted

16 May 2024

The grades and markups for Quiz #9 are posted on the My Grades page on the course website.

I strongly recommend spending a moment to take a look at my commentary on the quiz, as I use the markups and quiz notes to emphasize some of the key take-aways from last week’s topics. The Quiz Notes for this quiz are live on the Quiz Notes page and on the Print/PDF page, and are also included in the quiz markups.

Link to My Grades page

Student Evaluation of Teaching and Learning (SETL)

13 May 2024

I’ve been asked to remind everyone about the student evaluations, as they’re looking for a higher proportion of respondents.

CUNY considers students’ assessments of their instructors to be an important tool, and that's a good thing. The survey plays a key role in allowing the College to respond to student needs and desires. Student evaluations of teaching and learning (SETL) results can be used:

  • by faculty as feedback on their instruction and pedagogy;
  • by faculty, departments, schools, and the college as one source of evidence of teaching effectiveness for annual reviews as well as for tenure and promotion considerations;
  • by students as part of selecting courses and instructors;
  • by the college as evidence of the student experience in Lehman College courses and for a variety of accreditation and other accountability processes.

You can find the SETL page for all your courses in your Lehman emails or by logging into Lehman 360.

Link to Lehman 360

Welcome to Week 16!

11 May 2024

Statue of Augustus.

This week we’re discussing the principate. What exactly is the principate? How is it that Rome, which was so intolerant of the idea of a king that the mere rumor he was angling to become king factored into Caesar’s assassination, accepted the one-man rule of Octavian, who came to be called Augustus? What made Augustus different from a king?

Looking forward to an interesting discussion. See you Tuesday!

Link to Schedule page

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