Presentation Signup #2
Everyone must sign up for one presentation for the first half of the semester, and another for the second half.
- As always I’m grateful to those who sign up for the earlier ones!
- Presentations will be given during the class meeting that we discuss that reading.
- You will also need to submit a written version afterwards. See the the write-up page for more. The write-up requirements are a good guide to what the presentation itself will need to include.
- Pick one reading, then click the button to claim it. If there’s a name in bold in front of the reading name, that one’s already been picked by another student.
- If you want to change the presentation you’ve chosen to a different one, email me.
- Perikles’s Funeral Oration: Thucydides
(Present on Thursday, November 7) - Civil War in Corcyra: Thucydides
(Present on Thursday, November 7) - The Plague at Athens: Thucydides
(Present on Thursday, November 7) - The Melian Dialog: Thucydides
(Present on Thursday, November 7) - A Charge of Sacrilege: Andocides
(Present on Thursday, November 7) - The Death of Socrates: Plato
(Present on Thursday, November 14) - The Allegory of the Cave: Plato
(Present on Thursday, November 14) - On Epaminondas: Cornelius Nepos
(Present on Thursday, November 14) - The Battle of Leuctra: Xenophon
(Present on Thursday, November 14) - Athenian Bankers: Unknown
(Present on Thursday, November 14) - The Beginning of Philip of Macedon's Reign: Justin
(Present on Thursday, November 21) - Address to Philip: Isocrates
(Present on Thursday, November 21) - The First Philippic: Demosthenes
(Present on Thursday, November 21) - The Last Stand: Demosthenes
(Present on Thursday, November 21) - The Murder of Philip II: Plutarch
(Present on Thursday, November 21)
- The Ideal State: Aristotle
(Present on Thursday, December 5) - On Alexander: Plutarch
(Present on Thursday, December 5) - Speech of Alexander the Great: Arrian
(Present on Thursday, December 5) - Death of Alexander: Plutarch
(Present on Thursday, December 5) - The Procession of Ptolemy II: Athenaeus
(Present on Thursday, December 12) - Women at the Adonis Festival: Theocritus
(Present on Thursday, December 12) - On Zeno the Stoic: Diogenes Laërtius
(Present on Thursday, December 12) - The Destruction of Corinth: Polybius
(Present on Thursday, December 12)