History of Ancient Religion

Responses Write-Up

The assignment: For one of the the assigned primary source readings, write a 3-page essay that summarizes what the reading tells us.

Your write-up should do the following:

  • Briefly summarize what the document says and, more importantly, analyze what the author is trying to say about the subject at hand. In other words, you need to identify and discuss what you believe is the author’s interpretation, bias, and point of view and how it affected the author’s treatment of the topic. Give examples from the document that illustrate your assessment of the author’s spin.
  • Using the online responses to that reading by yourself and your classmates, discuss three interpretations or significant features of this reading as it relates to religion that tell us something about the culture that it comes from.

The main point of the write-up is NOT to summarize the reading. Summary should be less than 25% of your write-up. The main goal here is to use the points raised in the online discussion to analyze the reading and talk about what it means and what it tells us about that place and time in ancient history.

Your write-up needs to be posted to BlackBoard one week after the discussion on that reading closes. For example, if you chose the reading for Week 2, that discussion closes the Sunday after our Week 2 meeting; your write-up is due one week later, on the Sunday after that.


You need to sign up for which reading you’ll be doing the write-up on. You only need to do one of these for the whole semester. The sign-up page is here.