First-Year Seminar Readings

Lesson 4: Becoming a Leader

Opportunities to show leadership at Lehman

The National Assocation for Colleges and Employers defines leadership as the ability to:

Recognize and capitalize on personal and team strengths to achieve organizational goals

There are many ways you can develop as a leader while in college, starting in your first semester. Here are some possibilities to check out:

The ANY (America Needs You Fellowship) – A career and leadership development program for freshman students  … the applications for this year may not be open yet, but put a note in your calendar to follow up in a month if you are interested.

The Herbert H. Leadership Program lets you earn certificates for completing both the beginning and advanced leadership programs and provides many opportunities for students who are involved.

Urban Male Leadership Program   Not just for males … everyone is welcome!

Student Government   You can get involve in student government right away —there will be elections and you can run for office, or start off by attending meetings. Student government at Lehman has a huge impact, for example they succeeded in getting library hours extended.

And don't forget that clubs need leaders too . Lehman even provides a way to track your involvement so that you can share that when applying for work or graduate school.