Ancient Civ.

First-Year Seminar Readings

Module 4: College Writing

How do you approach writing for a college course?

LEH 250 is not ENG-111 or ENG-121, meaning that this course is not specifically about writing. Yet, like almost all college courses, it involves writing in various forms.  This section focuses on a general understanding of how writing in college can be very different than that you did in high school and strategies you can use to be successful.

1: Reading and Writing Successfully in College: A Guide for Students

Read these sections from Chapter 2 of Reading and Writing Successfully in College: A Guide for Students.

·     What is Intellectual Work?

·     Understanding Bloom's taxonomy

·     Understanding Writing Assignments as Intellectual Work

·     Treating Complex Tasks as Intellectual Work: Why?

And look over one of the sample analyses of an assignment (there are four).



Assignment: College Writing

Pick a writing assignment for this semester that is not from your composition course. Using the process outlined in Reading and Writing Successfully in College analyze the assignment.

Here are examples from the book of this kind of analysis for four types of assignments:

·     Summary and analysis

·     Position paper

·     Article for public audience

·     Reflection

The same general guidance applies to all writing assignments, including research papers and lab reports.