Syllabus PDFs
Quiz notes PDFs
Quiz notes are also available on the quiz notes page.
Notes for Quiz #1
Notes for Quiz #2
Notes for Quiz #3
Notes for Quiz #4
Notes for Quiz #5
Notes for Quiz #6
Notes for Quiz #7
Notes for Quiz #8
Notes for Quiz #9
Notes for Quiz #10
Meeting slides PDFs
Meeting slides are also available on the slides page.
Meeting #1: Introduction and Themes
Meeting #2: Women in The Epic of Gilgamesh
Meeting #3: Ancient Goddesses and Gods
Meeting #4: The Bronze Age and its Homeric Echo
Meeting #5: Greece Emerging from the Dark Age
Meeting #6: Women and the Athenian Polis
Meeting #7: Living Unpublicly in Classical Athens
Meeting #8: Images of Women in Athenian Literature
Meeting #9: The Female Pharaohs of Egypt
Meeting #10: Women and the Kingdom of Israel
Meeting #11: The Roman Aristocratic Matron
Meeting #12: Beyond the Roman Aristocracy
Meeting #13: Women and the Roman Religion
Meeting #14: The Hellenistic and Graeco-Roman Eras
Reading PDFs
Gilgamesh, Tablet 6: Ishtar’s Proposal (New Transcription)Gilgamesh, Tablets 1-2: Shamhat and Enkidu (New Transcription)Hatshepsut: From Queen to Pharaoh [packet of selected articles] / Roehrig (ed.)“Aemilia Pudentilla: Or the Wealthy Widow’s Choice” / Fantham“Approaching Women Through Myth: Vital Tool or Self-Delusion?” / Dowden“Classical Greek Attitudes to Sexual Behavior” / Dover“Early Greece: The Origins of the Western Attitude Toward Women” / Arthur“Female Sanctity in the Greek Calendar” / Wilson“Horizontal Women: Posture and Sex in the Roman Convivium” / Roller“Ideology and the ‘Status of Women’ in Ancient Greece” / Katz“Inanna-Ishtar as Paradox and a Coincidence of Opposites” / Harris“Infanticide in Hellenistic Greece” / Pomeroy“Influential Women” / Lefkowitz“Initiation and the Primal Woman in Gilgamesh and Genesis 2-3” / Bailey“Is Female to Male as Nature Is to Culture?” / Ortner“Ishtar’s Proposal and Gilgamesh’s Refusal” / Abusch“Male Power … Through Women Under the Julio-Claudians” / Corbier“Notions of Community and the Exclusion of the Female in Jewish History…” / Archer“On Creusa, Dido, and the Quality of Victory in Virgil’s Aeneid” / Perkell“Rape and Rape Victims in The Metamorphoses” / Curran“Re-reading (Vestal) Virginity” / Beard“Reading Between the Lines: Sarah and the Sacrifice of Isaac (Genesis, Chapter 22)” / Brock“Roman Women” / Clark“Sappho and the Heroic Ideal” / Marry“Sappho’s Private World” / Stigers“Self-Help, Self-Knowledge: … Patient in Hippocratic Gynaecology” / King“Signifying Difference: The Myth of Pandora” / Zeitlin“Social Stereotypes and Historical Analysis: … Imperial Women at Rome” / Fischler“Some Pythagorean Female Virtues” / Lambropoulou“Spartan Women among the Romans: Adapting Models, Forging Identities” / Pomeroy“The Conception of Women in Athenian Drama” / Foley“The Cults of Demeter and Kore” / Nixon“The Divided World of Iliad VI” / Arthur“The Dynamics of Misogyny: Myth and Mythmaking in the Oresteia” / Zeitlin“The God’s Wife of Amun in the 18th Dynasty in Egypt” / Robins“The Greek Family in History and Myth” / Slater“The Menace of Dionysus: Sex Roles and Reversals in Euripides’ The Bacchae” / Segal“The Role of Jewish Women in the Religion, Ritual, and Cult of Graeco-Roman Palestine” / Archer“The Role of Women in Roman Elegy: Counter-Cultural Feminism”, with responses / Hallett“The Women of Akmoneia” / Thonemann“The Women of Etruria” / Warren“Theodora and Antonina in the Historia Arcana: History and/or Fiction?” / Fisher“Two Matrons of the Late Republic” / Carp“Women and Culture in Herodotus’s Histories” / Dewald“Women and Elections in Pompeii” / Savunen“Women and Gender in the Forum Romanum” / Boatwright“Women and Housing in Classical Greece: The Archaeological Evidence” / Walker“Women in Ancient Egyptian Wisdom Literature” / Depla“Women in Their Cups” / Venit“Women’s Commensality in the Ancient Greek World” / Burton“Women’s Identity and the Family in the Classical Polis” / Pomeroy“Women’s Monumental Mark on Ancient Egypt” / Lesko“Women’s Ritual and Men’s Work in Ancient Athens” / Foxhall“Women’s Work: Female Transmission of Mythical Narrative” / Heath