Ancient Greece



Your overall course grade will come from a combination of weekly reading responses, written essays, and in-class exams.

Your grade for the course will be determined from the following:

Attendance, Responses, and Quizzes (ARQ)


  • Each week there will be a short, 5-minute in-class quiz based on the assigned readings and a required online post in response to one a primary source.
  • In-class quizzes take place at the start of our class meetings and are not made up, so it is important to arrive on time and prepared.

Essay on Clouds


  • 3-to-4 page essay on Aristophanes’s Clouds.

Position Paper


  • 6-to-8 page term paper using evidence from primary and secondary sources to take a position on a research topic of your choice relating to ancient Greece.

Presentation and Write-Up on a Primary Source (2)


  • In-class presentation on two of the assigned primary sources (one in the first half of the semester, and one in the second).
  • A written version is due a week after your presentation.

Final Exam


  • End-of-term in-class final exam.