Women in Antiq.



Here are your classmates. The images are either from Lehman 360 images or student-supplied for the students enrolled in this course.

Get to know your classmates! Say hi before class, talk about the course materials, plan study sessions. Shared understanding is multipled understanding!

Hanifah Ahmed

Hanifah Ahmed

Raja K Ajaz

Raja K Ajaz

Emely Corcino

Emely Corcino

Chinazom Elem

Chinazom Elem

Jay-Dani Guzmán

Jay-Dani Guzmán

Jasmine Hernandez

Jasmine Hernandez

George Lorenzo

George Lorenzo

Marlene Mata

Marlene Mata

Indira Nichols

Indira Nichols

Leonardo Osorio

Leonardo Osorio

Yvelise Peña

Yvelise Peña

Mayim Rabsatt

Mayim Rabsatt

Emely Sánchez

Emely Sánchez

Kaylah Sanchez

Kaylah Sanchez

Alassane Sibane

Alassane Sibane

Gerieneldo Solano

Gerieneldo Solano

Christopher Varian

Christopher Varian

If you have a different picture you would prefer I use, just send it to me at mark.wilson@lehman.cuny.edu. Likewise, if you would prefer not to show your image here, please email me and let me know.