Women in Antiq.

First-Year Seminar Readings

Lesson 2: Communication

You communicate in many ways- by how you present yourself,
what you say, and what you write.

You communicate in many ways- by how you present yourself, what you say, and what you write. You also communicate nonverbally, with much of the context and meaning of what you are sharing based on your facial expression, body position and movement, and gestures. Though you want to be natural when you communicate, you’ll need to be careful to change how you use these nonverbal cues AND your verbal (both spoken and written) when working with faculty, other students, and possible employers.

Choose to read 2 of these carefully and slowly and then read the other 2 quickly:

·     "Mastering the basics of communication" by Marjorie North

·     "How to communicate more effectively in the workplace" by Marjorie North

·     "10 tips for improving your public speaking skills" by Marjorie North

·     "5 barriers to effective communication" from Open Stax College Success

Public speaking

·     Why It's Ok To Be Nervous

·     "How to look and sound confident during a presentation" from Harvard Business Review

Optional reading: to improve your public speaking

Optional reading: If you are not confident in public speaking or want to improve your skills, this textbook may be helpful for you! It is not required reading but could be the resource you need:

·     Exploring Public Speaking - 4th Edition - Open Textbook Library (umn.edu)

Body language

Read 2 of these slowly and carefully, and then read the others quickly:

·     Body Language: Using Your Body to Communicate
How body language tells our story, whether we want it to or not.

·     "Body Language" from Psychology Today
(there are other good readings on this page too)

·     "How to improve the body language" from Indeed.com
(remember, college is a place you work)

·     The Most Common Body Language Problem - Eye Contact


When you are writing, remember to identify WHO you are writing for, WHY you are writing, and the expectations and prior knowledge of your audience. Sometimes, you’ll need to write in a personal tone, other times in a formal and impersonal way.

Whenever you are asked to write, be sure to examine the prompt. Read your prompt (the instructions) once, then think about it. Return and identify exactly what should be included as those are very important and you’ll need to verify you cover each point.

·     "Academic writing" from Purdue Owl

·     "What does the professor want? Understanding the assignment" from Writing in College from Competence to Excellence