Course Info
Meeting times, office hours, and objectives.
LEH 250: First Year Seminar. 3 hours, 3 credits. In-Person lecture.
Seminar for first-year students, exploring collegiate concepts and skills through historical examples.
Details LEH 250-40F (47173), Fall 2023.
- Meetings: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:30–2:45 p.m., in Carman 212.
Instructor Dr. Mark B. Wilson, Adjunct Assistant Professor.
- Office: Carman 292.
- Email:
- Website:
- BlackBoard: link.
Office hours Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:00–5:45 p.m. in CA-292.
This First Year Seminar class is key for a transformational college experience. The goal is to help students to transition from being a high schooler to being a college student. It begins the process to educate and empower students to be engaged in their communities, including Lehman College, by introducing them to the nature and value of the liberal arts and sciences to Lehman itself. Students who are aware of how a college works and what resources are available are better able to advocate for themselves and more likely to be successful, increasing our ability to retain students.
Specific Learning Objectives
In this course we’ll be pursuing a number of goals, including:
- Employ the methods of critical inquiry and analysis in at least one of the following disciplinary areas: social sciences, life and physical sciences, humanities, applied perspectives.
- Demonstrate skills in critical thinking and problem solving:
- use inquiry to identify and define a problem,
- constrain a problem into a specific and measurable goal,
- break a problem into its component parts, prioritize those parts and identify methods in the relevant disciplinary area(s) to solve the problem,
- select, comprehend, and critically evaluate scholarly, popular and reference texts to solve a problem or support or oppose an idea or position,
- use appropriate methods of citation in the relevant disciplinary area(s).
- Communicate the significance of the problem as well as solutions to a diverse audience using writing, oral presentation, or other diverse media (e.g., visual representation, performance or design).
- Interact and work collaboratively with peers to define problems, identify various disciplinary methods to solve problems, and use inquiry to address discipline specific problems and questions that require deeper engagement and analysis.