Online Discussions from Past Semesters
Here are the text-based online discussions from previous semesters when the course was condicted remotely.
Follow these links to explore some of the ideas and insights other students have contributed on the topics and readings we’re discussing.
The links that were broken on this page have been corrected as of May 6.
- Introduction: Evidence and Periodization
- Women in The Epic of Gilgamesh
- The Female Pharaohs of Egypt
- Ancient Goddesses and Gods
- The Bronze Age and its Homeric Echo
- Women and the Kingdom of Israel
- Greece Emerging from the Dark Age
- Women and the Athenian Polis
- Living Unpublicly in Classical Athens
- Images of Women in Athenian Literature
- The Roman Aristocratic Matron
- Beyond the Roman Aristocracy
- Women and the Roman Religion
- The Hellenistic and Graeco-Roman Eras