Weekly Responses

Post your weekly responses here.

Responses for Week 1

Prompt: Say hello and tell us what you believe in most about yourself and what you hope to achieve as a college student.

Hi folks!

  Mark Wilson
2023-08-31 11:54:43

Welcome to your first weekly response! For this week, I'd like you to talk a little bit about yourself. Introduce yourself to the class and talk about what you're interested in, what you think you might major in, and what you might be hoping to accomplish as a college student. Include:

  • one wish you have for yourself this semester
  • one worry you have
  • one thing you want your faculty to know
I'll start. My name is Mark Wilson, and I went to college at Rutgers University many, many years ago, where I studied history and journalism, sang in the glee club, and edited the alternative campus weekly newspaper. I then went in to earn my masters and doctorate in ancient history at the CUNY Graduate Center. I've been teaching at Lehman since 2010.

In my spare time I like to play around with graphic design and web development. I'm really hoping to make this course a place where everyone can feel more prepared and more confident for the college life ahead.

By the way, if you see a picture next to your name, it's the one from your Lehman360 student profile, if there is one. If there's a pic that's better for you, email it to me at mark.wilson@lehman.cuny.edu and we'll use that one instead!

Selena Cruz-Segundo
2023-10-26 13:52:15

Week 1 Response

Selena Cruz-Segundo
2023-10-09 22:03:55

Week 1 Response (mistake)

Angel Gabriel Bautista
2023-09-25 17:38:24

Response for Week 1

Leah Ann Ojeda
2023-09-25 13:54:42


Response for Week 1

Guadalupe Dayana Caporal
2023-09-19 13:46:32

After completing the regulated survey, I determined that my level of Motivation display is influenced by a number of factors, including my goal orientation, mindset, and exam anxiety. I need to find tactics to boost my desire and confidence in my test-taking abilities, as well as effective ways to find new ways to regulate my anxiety, which can impair my performance, especially when I have significant tests. Some of the tactics they have mentioned include learning more about relaxation techniques to lessen unpleasant feelings and increase my focus. Learning to talk to myself favorably about my possibilities of success. In addition to creating timetables and structuring study periods so that I don't have to worry about getting everything done.

Response for Week 1

Ysamar S Rojas
2023-09-18 23:50:08

My name is ysamar but you can call me ysa. I'm majoring in pre-nursing with the hopes of getting into the nursing program. I'm still deciding on what I want to do specifically with my nursing degree in the future. I do have to admit I am little nervous because I do hope to be able to make it into the nursing program I've heard it's a lot of work and a lot of pressure. But I think we should all stay positive. Some of my hobbies are film, music, gym and baking.

response for week 3

Tania Ali
2023-09-16 22:40:10

When I took my survey, my results were mostly accurate. However, only one of them was the thinking strategies I got in the middle range which is mostly accurate, but I think I am more on a higher level for my thinking strategies because no matter what it comes to, I am always a thinker. This comes to real life situations, assignments, talking in real life, arguments, discussions, essays, etc. This is probably why I am very talkative and specific when I am saying things because people tend to get very confused or have misunderstandings so I am specific when they ask questions. So

Response for week 1

Rienne Maria Rivera
2023-09-11 12:36:28

My name is Rienne and I attended High School for Health Careers and Sciences. I'm majoring in pre-nursing with the hopes of getting accepted into the nursing program to start my journey of becoming a Nurse Practitioner. One concern I have is not being able to handle the pressure that comes with meeting the nursing program requirements. My hobbies include reading, cooking and listening to music.

Week 1

Djonaya Andrewlina Lorry Matador
2023-09-08 15:06:09

Hello, my name is Djonaya and I have big dreams and goals set for myself. I'm in college because I want to become a Nurse. To be specific a Nurse Practitioner. It's been a dream ever since I was young and I'm finally taking the steps to achieve that. I understand that Nursing school can become very stressful and tiring but knowing that I don't easily give up and is extremely patient, I know that I will be just fine. There will be times when I feel like giving up, but I know that I can pick myself right out of that and back on track. Nonetheless on my free time I enjoy watching movies and shows and cooking.

Response for Week 1

Sharmin Alejo
2023-09-07 13:50:56

Hi, my name is Sharmin (DIDI), I'm Dominican. One of my wishes is to be an anesthesiologist, for that reason, I wanted to be first I want to be a nurse to be able to understand things easier. I want to study nursing to see my ability to learn about medicine. One of the concerns I may have is that it doesn't fulfill all the dreams I want, for that reason I am trying to sacrifice myself by doing things well. One of the things I want this faculty to know is that at first I may be lost in class or not understand many things because my first language is Latin Spanish but I am doing my best to understand everything and to a good degree.

Response for Week 1

Toussida Karen Zongo
2023-09-07 13:32:25

Hey guys, my name is Toussida. I am an 18 year old girl from west Africa, Burkina Faso and Senegal to be exact. In life I believe that you have to work hard to get to your destination. Which is why I hope to work hard this semester. I also hope to turn my work in on time and not procrastinate. I hope to meet some long life friends along the journey.

Response for Week 1

Guadalupe Dayana Caporal
2023-09-07 09:48:16

Hello, My name is Guadalupe, and I'm Mexican-American. I'm 17 years old and from Westchester. White Plains High School was where I went to school. I'm now pursuing a pre-nursing major. One of my strongest beliefs about myself is that I am committed to achieve whatever my goals are with the help of God. This year as a freshman, I want to figure out how to organize my time and remain on top of my studies while working part-time. I'll work hard to get decent grades.

Response for Week 1

Yadiel Avila
2023-09-05 23:40:05

Hello my name is Yadiel and I attended Health Opportunities High School. I am 17- years old and I am majoring in pre-Nursing, with the goal to become a nurse in the near future. Not sure what field I really want go in, but I’ll figure that along the way. My hobbies or interests are watching tv shows such as anime or supernatural shows. Through out this semester I aim to be stress free, and be able to submit all of my assignments on time. I am worried I will go all of college not interacting with my fellow peers.

My goals as a college student

Tania Ali
2023-09-05 17:17:02

Hello everyone! My name is Tania. What I believe in most about myself is that I will try my best to get where I want and reach my goals for the future. I also believe that whatever is meant for me will happen, so if anything does not work out, it is for the best and something else more suitable is planned for me. What I hope to achieve as a college student is to complete my 4 year degree and I want to be a pediatrics nurse after I graduate college. I think this is a good suitable job for me because although it can get stressful, I am very hardworking, and can keep up with it. I also have lots of experience with babies and young children, so this is best field to go into. However, this is what I am majoring in, but I still would like to be other things, such as a teacher, dentist, radiology tech, pharmacist, and more, but this is my top 1, so this is my dream job. So, pediatrics nurse is going to be my main focus.

Response for week 1

Marlene Mata
2023-09-05 15:41:36

salutations everyone! I'm Marlene but I go by Liz due to not liking my name as much. My interests consist of games, cooking and painting! I'm interested in majoring in dietetics and becoming a registered dietician. As a college student I hope to establish a consistent GPA of 3.5 all throughout school as failing academically is a fear of mine. One thing I'd like my faculty to know is I'm excited to have a fresh start at such a large campus.

Response for Week 1

Jaydalisse Alcantara
2023-09-05 13:45:22

Hi everyone! My names Jaydalisse, but you can call me Jayda for short. I am 17 years old but my birthday is around the corner! I am majoring in Pre-Nursing and hoping to become a nurse in the next few years. If that doesn't go well for me my plan B is to study Dermatology. I graduated from Business Of Sports School in downtown Manhattan, I made some of my best friends in high school so I can say that I enjoyed my years there. Some things I like to do on my free time is spend time with my family, play volleyball, walk my dog, shop, or sometimes listen to good music and chill. One wish I have for myself this semester is to be on top of my work and hand my assignments in on time and to also do them on time. I don't have any worries and I want my faculty to know that I am here to do my work, make some friends, and enjoy this college experience. :)

Response for Week 1

Muhammed Subhan Zab
2023-09-04 23:57:56

Hello everyone. My name is Muhammed Zab. I am 18 years old and planning on pursuing a major in Nursing and a minor in Dietetics. I graduated from Astor Collegiate Academy High School. Some of my hobbies and interests include sports, politics, and history. As a college student, I want to acquire skills and connect with peers and staff to help me in the future and later in my career. One wish for this semester is to be invested and learn new things from my classes that I can use daily. One worry that I have, which probably is shared by many other Freshmen, is not doing as academically well as I initially expected in my classes.

Hi everyone

Imani Brown
2023-09-04 20:40:04

Hi my name is Imani, I went to Saunders Trade and Technical High school and graduated with a cosmetology license. Im now a freshman majoring in nursing and want to be a nurse anesthetist in the future. One thing i believe in most about my self is when i have a goal i work my hardest to achieve it. What i hope to achieve as a college student is staying motivated and not procrastinating throughout my first year.


Angel Gabriel Bautista
2023-09-04 20:11:56

Hi, my name is Angel you could call me Gabriel if you'd like. I've recently graduated from Comp Sci High and I did not participate in any sports however I was known as the "gym rat" at my school. As of now my major should be split between Exercise Science or maybe Physical Therapy (which is my main goal) if it is an option. I don't have many hobbies myself other than working out, reading, and a couple games as I like to take life at a slow pace. One wish I'd have for this semester would be to keep up on due dates since I tend to lack when it comes to time. One worry would be my performance on assignments as I am a bit lacking due to my memory. One thing I would want faculty to know is that I may seem like I'm not paying attention in class but I am.

week one response

Sashay Denajah Graham
2023-09-04 18:57:16

My name is sashay, I recently graduated from Dewitt Clinton where I ran track for two of my four years. As of now my major is undecided but I was hoping to major in recreational therapy; for context recreational therapy helps improve physical, emotional and cognitive functions. I don't have too many hobbies besides rewatching movies when I finally forget the plot and taking long walks, I also find comfort in running but that's not something I'm able to do often. My goals for this semester is passing my Classes with high marks this requires me to keep up with assignments which can prove difficult because I tend to procrastinate a lot.

Hi everyone

Jonathan Emilio Guerrero
2023-09-04 14:22:43

Hello, my name is Jonathan Guerrero. I graduated from Mount Saint Michael Academy. I would like to major in exercise science, and to take it further I want to become an athletic trainer. I played football for my high school; I was there running back and cornerback. Some of my hobbies include going to the gym, watching anime, and playing video games. For this semester, I would like to try to keep my grades as high as possible. The only worry I have is that the workload might become a bit overwhelming, but I'm going to give it my best.

Week one response

Heavynly Pierce
2023-09-04 09:55:53

Hello, my name is Heavyn’ly Pierce. My major is nursing as of now because anything can happen. But no matter where my journey takes me I know I want to be successful so I can live comfortably in the future. Overall I'm hoping to pass all of my classes and graduate from Lehman with a bachelor's degree in Nursing(hopefully). I know If I put in my time and effort, and pray I will achieve the goals I have.

Hi everyone

Kevin Yeboah Dankwah
2023-09-03 16:11:06

My name is Kevin Dankwah. I am a freshman who desires to graduate at Lehman college with an undergraduate degree in Nursing. I expect to build network with students and professors as a college students. I hope to make use of every resources available. I like to watch sports at my leisure time. I hope to excel with everyone.

Response for Week 1 Post

Arianna P Felix
2023-09-02 23:06:49

Hello, my name is Arianna Felix. I am an undergraduate exercise science major looking forward to build a future career in occupational therapy in pediatrics and owning a photography business. I'm a 2023 graduate from Monsignor Scanlan Highschool. I love reading, writing poems and photography. Being a college student, I hope to achieve my goals of learning more of independency, making new fun experiences in life and becoming more socially open. Discovering the type of person I can be in the future. I wish this semester, I can retain knowledge in all my classes and advice to learn how to apply it in my daily life as well as working hard to get high grades and reach my goals of graduating, working towards my future success. A worry I have is the possibility of failing, but I plan to overcome it by focusing on my studies and completing everything on time to avoid it.

Response for Week 1

Brandon Phillip Dennis
2023-09-02 18:20:08

Hello everyone, my name is Brandon Dennis. I am a freshman who desires to graduate with an undergraduate degree in Exercise Science. As a college student I expect to improve my people skills, develop a stronger sense of independence and most of all build a network. In my spare time I play soccer as it brings me some serenity.

Week 1 Response

Keyline Tejada
2023-09-02 16:35:46

Hello, my name is Keyline Tejada. I am an undergraduate who aspires to graduate with a BSN. What I believe the most about myself is that I am very family-oriented and that I have a solid work ethic. Something I hope to achieve as a college student is to learn how to balance my personal life with my academic life so that it won’t impact my relationships and my grades. I also hope to maintain a high grade point average every semester and not fall behind on my assignments.


Valerie Crystal Macias
2023-09-02 12:48:45

My name is Valerie Macias. Some interest I have is crocheting, my last project being a bouquet of flowers and a character from legend of zelda. I also like watching horror movies and listening to music. If I'm not doing any of these I'm just hanging out with my friends or my dog. My major is nursing but I would look for a plan B if it doesn't work out. I wish I have for this semester to keep up with my work and study with the time i have. But a worry i would have is overworking myself or rushing through my work to complete another work for another class.

Hello everyone

Selena Cruz-Segundo
2023-09-02 10:37:19

My name is Selena Cruz and I went to Yonkers Middle High School. I’m Mexican-American and I’m a first generation college student in the U.S. I have an older sister, born and raised in Mexico, who has been teaching for five years. I can’t wait to see her again this December when I travel to Mexico again. I also have a younger sister who is an incoming junior and I hope to set a good example for her in college. I enjoy watching kdramas, anime, criminal minds, and modern family during my free time.

My major is nursing but I’m currently looking for an option B just in case it doesn’t work out. I’m hoping to discover new interests in college and find a new hobby. My wish for this semester was to at least make a new friend here in Lehman college but I’ve already done that. I worry that I might not be good enough in my classes later on in the semester but right now I feel confident. I want to become the best version of myself as a student. Coming out of my comfort zone is equally as important because making new connections and speaking up for myself is essential for me. I want to be able to ask for help if I ever find myself having a hard time.


Indiana Yeliza Garcia
2023-09-01 07:45:39

My name is Indiana, I am convinced I'm capable of displaying more effort than I anticipated. I believe in acknowledging my unique characteristics, potential, and strengths I hold. I also believe that I can conquer challenges. I want to establish and work toward academic goals. As a college student, I want to push myself outside of my comfort zone, develop my social skills, and actually enjoy the experience here. Succeed in my pursuit of the Lehman nursing program as well.

Hi Everyone.

Ana Reyes Sanchez
2023-08-31 23:24:53

My name is Ana Reyes, I went to Kingsbridge International HS. I like listening to music and spend time with my family and friends. I love learn new things and gain knowledge, I like to travel and watch movies. My major is nursing, I love helping people, that's why I choose to study nursing because helping people is something that identifies me. My goal for this semester is pass all my classes with good grades, study hard to get into to the Nursing Program. I would worry about not being able to understand a topic.

Hi everyone,

Leah Ann Ojeda
2023-08-31 23:03:42

So my name is Leah ojeda. I attended Lehman high school. My major is nursing. One thing about me is that I’m very self driven and once I have my mind set on something I make sure I make it happen. One goal I have for this year is to make sure that I ask questions when I don’t understand the information that is given to me. Also one worry I have is the amount of reading I am given for multiple classes but also being able to understand and retain that information that is given.

Hi everyone!

Charliz Sharon Martinez
2023-08-31 22:03:10

My name is Charliz Martinez. I went to SBP and I really love to learn new things and see what new things have to offer. I like to read and write mainly and listen to a lot of music. I always wanted to do something in helping people I feel like I am a people person and I would like to do something with that which is why I am a pre nursing major. What I want out of this semester is to have good grades, focus, and stay afloat with work and everything that I need to do to accomplish my goals.

Hi everyone

Maria De Los Angeles Grullon Marte
2023-08-31 21:03:39

My name is Maria Grullon I went to CHSLSJ. I like to try and learn new things, so I started learning how to crotchet as one of my hobbies recently and learn a new language as well. In my spare time I like to watch Anime, movies, shows, and listen to music. I believe I might major in Nursing. What I want to accomplish as a college student is to get into Lehman's Nursing program and to try new things that are offered to me. For this semester I want to have good grades and understand the material I learn in class. I worry that A&P might be too much information to handle.