Weekly Responses

Post your weekly responses here.

Responses for Week 8

Prompt: What’s something you didn’t know or didn’t expect from this week’s readings about academic integrity and college reading? Have you ever experienced anything like that before?

Response for week 8

Toussida Karen Zongo
2023-11-26 10:38:28

while reading about academic integrity, I didn't understand that plagiarism comes in so many form. In high school plagiarism was mostly talked about but never looked at and taken value but in college it's really different. While in high school, i tented to work in groups of pairs with my friends and we would cite sources without really paying attention so it is really different in college the whole topic of academic integrity.

Response for Week 8

Leah Ann Ojeda
2023-11-15 08:18:31

Academic integrity insists in the following of trust, fairness, honesty and respect and much more. Plagiarism is when you take someones words and ideas. While trying to get away with it. For me throughout my whole middle school and high school experience this was a know topic that teachers will always bring up to make sure students understood the word and hoped that they don't make those choices. Now talking about personal experience I have witnessed someone that plagiarized and got caught for doing that.

Response for week 8

Marlene Mata
2023-11-10 03:57:26

Academic Integrity is a very important thing to have in college, when you're younger especially in Highschool things like plagiarism tend to go in one ear and out the other or not be acknowledged as much as it really should be. Something I didn't expect from this week's readings is that in Lehman's Academic Integrity policy they contain nothing about self plagiarism which is something I had learned about the hard way when I had accidently somehow committed it and luckily was only told not to repeat the mistake again. I find it odd as I feel like a student may be able to create loopholes or such since it is not detailed and specified. Regardless very Interesting to learn about the specific policies Lehman follows.

Response for Week 8

Arianna P Felix
2023-11-02 12:39:40

A thing that I didn't expect from this weeks reading about academic integrity and college reading was that unauthorized collaboration with other students was actually a form of plagiarism because usually students may collaborate with each other on the same assignment and help each other out when one may not understand it. Plagiarism occurs accidentally in this incident where the students ideas collide with each other and they don't credit the source each others ideas. I have experienced something like this before during high school.

Response for Week 8

Charliz Sharon Martinez
2023-10-30 20:08:40

The most important thing to me while reading was the fact that reading is very important in college if you don't read you don't know anything that is going on. But what I also know is that we do hate to read a lot of the time so we avoid it as much as possible and we drown. I liked how it gave us a lot of tips to stay engaged with our readings and how to focus which I think is very good because it is what we need to be successful.

Response for Week 8

Guadalupe Dayana Caporal
2023-10-27 09:01:26

Something that stood out to me was how in college we get excessive academic reading and sometimes we're not interested in what we're reading so we tend to doze off, but in one of the readings they gave us a few tips to avoid that and become skilled in actively academic readings, for example, the first tip they provided is to preview the text and make connections with the new reading and our knowledge, the second is to read with a pencil in our hand and jot down questions, and the third is to read and summarize.

week 8

Tania Ali
2023-10-26 20:05:34

What stood out to me is how serious plagiarism is in college, which is understandable but sometimes you can copy by accident because you don't know how to cite the source correctly so this is something you should watch out for especially when using quotes from someone else.

Week 8 Response

Selena Cruz-Segundo
2023-10-26 14:08:42

When it comes to academic integrity, honesty is the foundation to our work. Avoiding plagiarism is important especially in college when writing down or presenting your own original ideas. I did not know that allowing other students copy your own work on assignments is considered to be plagiarism since it facilitates academic dishonesty.

Knowing how to elaborate what you’re reading is also important in college. Taking down notes on what you read and analyzing on it helps students become better critical thinkers which is something I need to work on. Sometimes I usually just take down notes on every two or three long paragraphs I’m reading for a course. However, what I should be doing is writing down a summary on what I’ve read as whole. Summarizing will help me understand and absorb the information I just read.

Week 8 Response

Angel Gabriel Bautista
2023-10-24 23:21:37

My biggest takeaway from the reading was how important reading is in college, but even more important is understanding what you are reading. Sometimes I find it difficult to stay motivated while reading when there is a lot to read. To help me stay focused and understand the readings better, I will be breaking the text into sections and interacting with it.

Week 8 response

Valerie Crystal Macias
2023-10-24 23:07:28

A thing that stood at to me was the unauthorized collaboration, since sometimes students work together to understand an assignment or subject and ideas collided with each other. So doing the work together could end up with plagiarism accidentally without sourcing each other and which will affect that were student working academically.

Response for Week 8

Charliz Sharon Martinez
2023-10-24 15:19:25

In this weeks readings I think the main thing that really stood out to me was the fact that plagiarism is something that can ruin you academically. Not even if you do it purposefully because you shouldn't but you can accidentally copy something if you don't source it correctly.

Week 8 responses

Keyline Tejada
2023-10-24 15:17:09

Something I didn't expect from this weekly reading was that plagiarism could come in different forms. It's not just copying from others. I learned that plagiarism can also be done to yourself, like reusing an old essay of yours. Another thing I found interesting is that academic integrity is a vast category. It can be lying to your teachers or classmates about your work. This reading taught me that it's better to read carefully to ensure you don't take other people's words and keep yourself on track so you won't have to resort to plagiarising.

Response for Week 8

Brandon Phillip Dennis
2023-10-24 14:15:15

The reading stressed the importance of not only reading but also understanding what you read in college. It can be tough to stay motivated with lots of reading, but the tips provided can help.

After reading this week's materials, I now have a better grasp of why it's important to understand what you read. The readings offered practical ways for college students to improve their understanding, like previewing the text, reading carefully, summarizing, and reviewing. I plan to use these methods more consistently in my studies.

Week 8 Response

Jonathan Emilio Guerrero
2023-10-24 00:12:33

I didn't think there would be so many tips on reading for college. For example, after finishing, you should write a summary to retain what you read. Reviewing your reading also helps by giving you a quick refresher before a class discussion or test. This made me realize that when I read, I don't go back and write a note or a summary.

week 8

Ysamar S Rojas
2023-10-24 00:01:37

One thing that I learned and something that caught my attention about the reading was how important reading in college really is but more important the comprehension of what you are reading. I can struggle with staying motivated to read when I have a lot of reading so sometimes its hard to stay focused. But the tips in this reading are very helpful. Interacting with the text and breaking it into sections is something I will be doing to better help stay focused and understand the readings better.

Week 8 Response

Muhammed Subhan Zab
2023-10-23 21:59:18

One thing that I didn't know from this week's reading was that paraphrasing is a form of plagiarism. I always thought it was allowed since I used to do it in high school, and no one told me otherwise. However, now I know that instead of rewording or paraphrasing someone's idea on a certain topic, I should add my own thoughts and analysis to a piece of writing or text.

Response for week 8

Kevin Yeboah Dankwah
2023-10-23 20:17:32

In the readings for week 8 I got educated on the various types of colleges reading materials and reading strategies for specialized texts and online resources. Sometimes when I have a lot of readings to complete I would mostly just read it without taking any notes or paying close attention to it.

Week 8

Djonaya Andrewlina Lorry Matador
2023-10-23 19:14:38

After reading the readings for this week, I can say I got a better understanding of the purpose of understanding given material. The readings gave away many ways us college students can better understand material when it comes to reading for school in a way that can be comprehended better such as previewing the text, reading closely, summarizing then reviewing which is a crucial way of learning in my opinion. Even though I sometimes do this I don't always, but the readings were helpful because I can now incorporate this method into my studying more.

Week 8

Imani Brown
2023-10-23 19:09:11

After reading this weeks readings something i found interesting was the comics about not taking the time to study or even using online because its quicker. In the long run looking answers up, not taking notes, or not paying attention only effects you, Because in reality your not actually retaining the information. The weeks reading gave me more attention to the risk of not using your own work.

Week 8 response

Ana Reyes Sanchez
2023-10-23 19:00:22

Something that caught my attention about this reading was how it gives us good tips for college reading, and the importance of making notes, connecting with words that you already know in order to understand the reading more, and know how to identify the main idea of the text. In college we have to study more independently, read for ourselves and make sure we do all the reading for our classes, this reading made me see much better the importance of reading and how we should do it in college.

hey everyone

Korotoumou Tiffany Gueye
2023-10-22 01:13:53

for this reading i really liked the comic set up and i can also say that sometimes i can relate to it. i havent real thought about the Risky Practices deeply and reading about that really made me think. in todays world we just have the answers right in front of us making thinks easy but bad for us as we know it. i have experienced something like that where i could have easily solved a math equation but knowing i will get the answer and fast as well i just got it off the internet. but after reading i think i now understand the risk of doing that.