Weekly Responses

Post your weekly responses here.

Responses for Week 4

Prompt: Think about the readings and resources on wellness this week. Which ones had more meaning or impact for you, and why? Which caused you to question their advice a bit, and why?

Week 4 Response

  Mark Wilson
2023-09-20 07:52:29

Hi folks! For this week’s response, I’m asking you to do two things. First, make an initial post this week (say, by Saturday) about what you reacted to or connected to in the readings for this week on wellness, good or bad. Try to discuss it in a way that’s relatable and forward-looking.

Second, I want you to come back and make a second post by Monday responding to what’s come up in the discussion. You can reply to a particular post that has some meaning for you, or you can make another regular post where you talk about some of the things that have come up in discussion and how they connect with your own experience.

Either way, for this assignment, you need to make two posts, not just one. Email me if you have any questions!

RE: Week 4 Response

  Mark Wilson
2023-09-20 08:06:43

Also: As you can see, I've added the "reply to this post" feature, so you can respond directly to other posts if you so desire.

Week 4

Djonaya Andrewlina Lorry Matador
2023-10-02 23:01:53

After reading all the readings on wellness, The one that was most meaningful to me would be the one focusing on emotional wellness and wellbeing. I say this because taking care of your mental and emotional health to me is more important than all the others. It’s important that your mind is right and that you have good control over your emotions and feelings. Especially in college when things tend to get rough and stressful it’s important to know of ways to cope and handle your feelings. In the readings they offer great advice which I also incorporate into my life/schedule such as exercising, eating healthy and getting enough sleep. When I have the time, I try to exercise every day. Sometimes I crave junk food but if there’s a healthier option around me I try and choose that instead. Lastly, when it comes to my sleep schedule, I set a healthy schedule so that I can get enough sleep for the following day. There were other great advice listed in the articles and I agree with them because everyone has their ways of coping.

Response for week 4

Marlene Mata
2023-10-02 14:53:11

After doing the readings for week 4, I had many takeaways. For example all these modules helped teach us how to balance these things and understand ourselves in a more deep way. The lesson that stuck out to me in a particular way was Lesson 3: Intellectual and mental wellness and well-being. In lesson 3 procrastination is a thing that's touched on. "Procrastination is a behavior where an individual puts off a due task, and replaces it with something else. This something else can be productive (like cleaning) or can be one that avoids the feelings that come with procrastination" Plenty of college students deal with this, me including. It's important to remember that these habits that can be worked on and improved on. Managing college life and family and possibly even work can all be done but you need to work on a few specific things and that's where this modules advice came in handy. For example like planning which days you get work done and sticking to it, or planning which days you'll work most of your hours but still leaving time for yourself just so you don't get overwhelmed. One advice that isn't really advice but I consider it as is the last few comments that says "Notice I don’t discuss laziness here. That is because laziness is a description but not really a cause." In a way it could be the author saying it's not a good excuse but I take this comment as a positive thing, one that isn't shameful and is basically saying it's not your fault you haven't gotten things done you are simply too overwhelmed. I really think all these readings were super informative and sweet and even helpful as I do use some of the tips these readings have given me in my daily life.

week 4 response

Tania Ali
2023-09-28 15:22:22

The topic that came out to me the most was emotional well-being. I am a very emotional person, so with that comes with deeper feelings than usual. Meaning, if I feel sad, I might feel a bit too sad, or if I am upset or angry it might come off as too much to others, but it makes sense the reaction in my own head. I rarely get mad, so when I do it comes off as too much, because I have been holding it in for too long. I easily get upset by things but I move on from it quickly. I may cry to express my feelings and let it out, but I will be okay after a while. I cope by either crying, journaling, or listening to music. This helps me to express what I am feeling when others can't understand me, and it helps me feel a lot better.

Response for Week 4

Guadalupe Dayana Caporal
2023-09-26 23:40:47

The topic that most resonated with me was emotional wellbeing; I feel there are days when I wake up with no motivation due to stress and anxiety. However, I cope by either expressing my emotions or listening to music. This makes me feel more calm and eliminates some of my tension. In one of the articles, they offered more ways that I might use to cope with my anxiety, such as maintaining a journal, exercising, or simply reaching out to someone. The statement "seem to always be present" stuck out to me the most. This is significant since we must be fully aware of what is going on, and it alleviates unnecessary concerns, which affects your overall well-being.

RE: Response for Week 4

Marlene Mata
2023-10-02 14:58:56

College is extremely stressful and overwhelming so I feel the same as you when I wake up with zero motivation due to these extensive negative feelings. Music also helps me calm down and pace myself it's amazing to see how many students follow the same coping methods as I often feel like I'm alone when I put on my headphones after a long day and just wanna space out and listen to music. I should be present more often so I'll go back to the reading you mentioned and try to follow the same advice of trying to be more aware of what's going on in my daily life as that's what might be overwhelming me, not really engaging with my environment during stress.

Response for Week 4

Sashay Denajah Graham
2023-09-25 21:30:27

the topic I connected to for this week on wellness is emotional wellness. I chose this topic because I am a very emotional person, especially when it comes to stress I have a hard time managing my emotions. the article mentions different ways in which I can maintain emotional health such as, meditation, exercise and therapy. this was helpful because I do self therapy sometimes where I write down my feelings so I can properly process them so, this confirms I'm doing something right.

RE: Response for Week 4

Guadalupe Dayana Caporal
2023-09-26 23:50:19

I strongly agree with you; I, too, am an emotional person; however, we must remember that things do get better, and we must live day by day, as mentioned in the articles, "be present in the moment," because if we start thinking about the days ahead of us and due dates, we will undoubtedly accumulate unnecessary stress. Going to the gym 4-5 days a week has also been really beneficial to me. It's my way of unwinding and venting my frustrations.

RE: Response for Week 4

Toussida Karen Zongo
2023-09-25 23:55:41

I can relate to your experiences. I too am a very emotional person and would often not be able to manage my emotions. what helped me manage it was remaining calm during challenging situations, thinking positively, and therapy. heavy on the therapy, you learn a lot about yourself while opening up and talking about your life to friends, family, or anyone

Week 4 response

Heavynly Pierce
2023-09-25 20:31:08

The reading on wellness was very interesting and I agree, that wellness is important for us and your wellness can always get better and it can affect us negatively in our everyday life if we don’t take care of it the way we are supposed to. I agree with the saying from one of the readings that states “Wellness is a journey, not a destination” because it’s always a way to improve your well-being and it’s sort of like a journey you take, to better your well-being not only physical, but also mental, emotional, and social.

Response for Week 4

Charliz Sharon Martinez
2023-09-25 20:03:13

The reading on wellness I felt were very motivating and really opened me up to how much we need to be aware of how we feel. More so how our daily lives effect us and everything that we do. One of the readings that stood out to me the most was the article "Why You Should Make a Good Night's Sleep a Priority" and how our poor sleep habits can really affect our day to day lives. Personally I am a person who likes to stay up all night and then think I can wake up at 6 am and i'll be ok but I'm not and feel completely tired. In the article it shared helpful ways to sleep better like limiting caffeine and avoiding electronics. but mainly it shared how we spend more time awake then we do asleep.


Valerie Crystal Macias
2023-09-25 18:07:41

The reading about wellness was good, since it can teach others what type of wellness we can have and ways we can better them. I didn't have a big reaction to this reading because it was something i already know and understand. We all have these types of wellness, the difference is how we manage it. Some can have great work or financial wellness or those first before anything, but push their emotional or social wellness away. Its good to have each type of wellness in check or stable because with one down can bring everything else down with you or you would have to confront it at one point but you wouldn't know how then struggle. The articles are good for people to see and how to have better wellness.

Week 4 Response

Angel Gabriel Bautista
2023-09-25 17:38:54

Amongst the readings, procrastination was the one that affected me the most. The reason I am saying this is because it is an action that I do very often, and I was under the impression that it would not have a physical impact on me. There are times when I decide not to do things today just because I simply ignore the times I set for work with the excuse of "bad moods" and sorts, but with this information on procrastination, I am able to see that leaving assignments until last minute is more stressful than completing them at the beginning of the semester, which makes me work harder knowing I do not have as much time left to complete the assignment.

RE: Week 4 Response

Keyline Tejada
2023-09-25 22:00:19

I can relate to your experience with procrastination. I have also been guilty of leaving things for the last minute, aka right now. I always told myself I work better under peruser, so I always do something at the last minute. Still, I've recently realized that I do my best work when I have time to prep for it, and usually, when I do things last minute, I get hit with this abundance of anxiety, which is the effect of my procrastination. Lately, I've been pacing myself on my work and ensuring I only leave some of my work for the last minute.

week 4

Leah Ann Ojeda
2023-09-25 13:54:56

When you think of the word wellness everyone comes up with different answers. Why? because we all experienced life in a way that has given us different perspectives. By definition wellness means the state of being in good health. For me when I think of the word wellness I think of mental health. In my personal opinion I believe that if your mentally not okay and emotionally feel not up to standards. I feel like you have nothing. Why? because who you are, and what you feel are the most important questions to answer because you're happiness, and the validation you have are principals. The article of "What is emotional wellness?" was very well written because it speaks in a positive point of view. Which I just personally liked.

RE: week 4

Brandon Phillip Dennis
2023-09-25 16:09:15

I totally agree with you. The concept of wellness is a broad concept which might not apply to everyone the same as you said. For example, two people are in debt of the same amount of money but it affects them in two different ways. For person one, they are stressed because they are constantly paying bills and living on the edge. For person two, they aren't stressed because they are able to pay their debt and can keep their head above water. Even though both parties share a similar scenario it can affect them differently because they are two different people. This relates to the concept of wellness because for person one, their state of wellness would be that they are debt free whilst for person two, they are compliant with their situation and live worry free.

Week 4 response

Keyline Tejada
2023-09-23 20:44:17

The reading I connected to the most was "What emotional wellness ?". I connected to this reading the most because it explained that you don't have to be happy at every moment to be emotionally well. Still, you can quickly get yourself from a low moment to a joyous moment. This article also helped me determine whether or not I'm in an emotionally healthy state. The report also enabled me to understand that being emotionally well can involve positive and negative activities. It doesn't always have to be positive. Just because you are unhappy doesn't mean you are not mentally healthy.

RE: Week 4 response

Angel Gabriel Bautista
2023-09-25 17:45:53

I completely agree with you. While reading this article it also gave me the opportunity to check on myself and determine my own emotional state which added on to my understandings of the reading. Although I myself understand this concept and reading, I couldn't piece together whether I am mentally healthy or not but that's just the art of life and something that will come to me soon.

Response for Week 4

Muhammed Subhan Zab
2023-09-23 17:21:44

The readings and resources that had the most meaning and stood out to me were about stress and anxiety—specifically, how to manage stress in college effectively. In the reading about how to manage stress in college, I learned that having an organized schedule and a better work-life balance can help me reduce the amount of cramming I have to do and assist me in keeping up with classwork. This advice was helpful to me because I have always been someone who does school work pretty much last minute or whenever I feel like it. This mentality and practice have slowly caught up to me and made me realize that there are more effective methods for success than the ones I practice, which can make my life easier and more pleasant.

RE: Response for Week 4

Heavynly Pierce
2023-09-25 20:37:06

I agree with you, I’m also someone who waits the last minute to do assignments and just tries to as you said cramp everything together and do it which is very stressful and has my anxiety through the roof. I know I need to get better at managing my time to help better my well-being.

Week 4 Response

Jonathan Emilio Guerrero
2023-09-23 14:00:50

I gave serious thought to the healthiness of my health after reading "Health and Wellness Guide for Busy College Students". I connected a lot of dots just by reading this guide. I found it a little challenging to organize my time after I started college. This refers to my efforts to go to the gym, find spare time to study, and attend to family matters. Finding a respite from all these duties may be quite difficult at times. Taking pauses when you're studying or working on schoolwork, it seems from this tip for busy college students, really makes you more effective. According to Numerous studies it suggest, the most effective people concentrate on their current activity for 50 to 60 minutes. Go on a stroll, Exercise quickly, such as lifting free weights, and Climb the stairs a couple times. This will make me feel energized to resume work.

Week 4 response

Kevin Yeboah Dankwah
2023-09-23 12:35:19

According to the readings for week four, the readings enlightened me mostly about the factors that contribute to the physical and mental well-being. Sometimes l think l need more time to do everything so l refuse to sleep on time. But the readings drew my attention to my sleep. Lack of enough sleep will not help me to complete my task in the day but rather slow me down in completing them. So as the saying goes "health is wealth " I look forward to make the necessary time adjustments to fix my sleeping time.

RE: Week 4 response

Jonathan Emilio Guerrero
2023-09-23 14:10:38

I agree, that getting too little sleep is bad for your health and wellbeing. I will feel lethargic the entire day if I don't get enough sleep. Aside from being overly exhausted and missing sleep, I will struggle to finish assignments since I won't be able to think clearly and do my work. So I also need to fix my sleeping schedule.

Week 4 response

Brandon Phillip Dennis
2023-09-22 14:44:40

Based on week four's readings, the section that stood out most to me was physical and mental well being. As an athlete myself and a lover for the sport of soccer I think this area directly relates to my life. The reading establishes some ways in which a person can ensure an excellent physical well being some of which include exercise and fitness and stress management. For me both those methods co relate for me even though they are separate things, I say this because I am an athlete as I said before so being physically fit is a part of being able to execute what is required of me during action. Even though soccer helps a lot with being fit physically it also brings a sense of serenity. At times I would be overwhelmed with an assignment or stuck in my reading and just by going to play soccer it relives all the pressure and allows me to think straight again.

RE: Week 4 response

Muhammed Subhan Zab
2023-09-25 23:48:56

Since soccer is one of the ways you relieve stress, what are some other practices you engage in to calm yourself?

RE: Week 4 response

Sashay Denajah Graham
2023-09-25 21:34:34

I agree physical health correlates with mental health, when I ran track I'd forget about my problems in that moment and be able to relax and concentrate on a solution after.

Response for Week 4

Toussida Karen Zongo
2023-09-22 11:19:34

something I resonate with in the readings is the whole topic on wellness. I used to think wellness is just making sure I'm good until I realized there's more to it. Its the act of actively knowing and making sure your ok in every aspect of it. For example school can overwhelming and it's very easy to get lost but when you check your overall health / wellness everything will start to make sense. Im a very big procrastinator. I'll leave things that I know I have to do and focus more on doing what I want. This plays a big role on my mental because at the end I feel pressured and lost. To help with that I try to manage my time, eat a balanced meal, and create a sleeping schedule so I get at least 9 hours of sleep so I can rest and wake up and perform my daily activity without feeling overwhelmed.

RE: Response for Week 4

Valerie Crystal Macias
2023-09-25 18:12:37

I agree, reading the article can help recognize what you need to focus or check up on. Its good to also to manage your time wisely so later on you won't struggle.

hey everyone

Korotoumou Tiffany Gueye
2023-09-21 23:40:07

one thing i can talk about this from the reading is procrastination, some people struggle and stress themselves out when doing this. i can speak for everyone when i say that procrastination is a very easy trick people can fall into. i think the best way to deal or fix it is to have a reminder of things you must do or that a set schedule for things you must do. what i also thought about was that some people might even like or work even better under the pressure

RE: hey everyone

Imani Brown
2023-09-26 13:52:52

I agree, managing your time and creating a schedule can make things easier and definitely help with procrastination. I also find making a check list with my assignments helps a lot.

week 4 response

Imani Brown
2023-09-21 15:19:24

One thing i connected to in this weeks reading about wellness is Procrastination and Stress . Procrastination and stress is a huge issue for me when it comes to learning because i tend to be distracted. When it comes to doing my assignments i tend to put it off and tell myself ill do it later, when the time finally comes i end up stressed because its a large amount of work to do at once. Constantly procrastinating and being stressed tends to have an Mental and Physical effect on because constantly having to catch up makes me a bit demotivated. To improve this ill have to put a lot more effort and time into my study and work

Week 4 Response

Selena Cruz-Segundo
2023-09-20 23:11:01

Even though I’m still getting used to the changes I experience in college, I want to be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle with the guidance of the six dimensions of wellness. I find every dimension as equally as important but for now I want to focus on the physical aspect because I didn’t really acknowledge it until this week. According to Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, “students gain an average of 3 to 10 pounds during their first 2 years of college.” This usually happens because students don‘t look at ingredients and serving sizes, choose eating out over cooking their own healthy meals at home or simply nibbling during late-night study sessions. Since we’re still at the beginning of the fall semester, I do not want to fall into this situation, hence, I want to look out for myself to avoid the outcomes that it can cause on my physical and mental health. Nutrition is a key aspect of physical health that affects mental wellness. Improving my physical wellness can begin with eating a healthy diet, building healthy habits, getting active, maintaining muscle, and finding a healthy weight. I should also take advantage of the gym that Lehman College provides. Perhaps I can even take a friend with me so we track our progress together and motivate each other. Exercising can improve my mood, increasing my motivation and confidence which can enhance my academic standing in college. Maintaining my physical wellness can significantly change my mental health in a positive way and can improve my academics.

RE: Week 4 Response

Ana Reyes Sanchez
2023-09-25 16:26:49

I agree with you. Mental health is also a very important topic, since our thoughts greatly influence our daily lives it is good to be aware that we have to take more care of our mental health, and do things that would benefit us in our studies. Eating healthy diet would also contribute a lot to our physical health because if you don't eat well it can even cause concentration problems, and a negative mood.

Week 4 Response

Ana Reyes Sanchez
2023-09-20 19:49:52

The one that impacted me the most was procrastination. I say this because it is something that I usually do very often, I thought it was something normal and that it would not affect me physically. Sometimes I make the decision to stop doing things today, because I don't have the mood to do it, but this information of procrastination makes me see that leaving things until the last minute makes me feel more stressed, and makes me work under pressure knowing that I don't have more time left to be able to submit the assignments. I should start pushing myself harder to do things when I can do them, and not wait for the last minute.

RE: Week 4 Response

Selena Cruz-Segundo
2023-09-20 23:30:07

I agree with your statement. I used to find myself leaving things to the last minute and often did this because it would be a lot of work that had to be completed at the same time which made me not want to do it. Unfortunately, it only caused me harm because I ended up stressing over my work the day before it was due. In high school I always procrastinated but I still managed and gave in my work on time with little to no sleep on a school day. Now that we’re in college I’ve slowly started changing this habit since I am aware that I need to manage my time and give in my work days before the deadline so I can also have the opportunity to begin the work for the upcoming module(s) for each course. Making sure that I have enough sleep (7-8 hours) is also important because it helps me function properly on the day of class. Classes from high school and college are a lot different. In a way college classes are longer from an hour and fifteen minutes to two hours, depending on the course. This can be extremely draining especially if you did not have enough sleep. Completing assignments does not have to be difficult, we just have to create a schedule that works best for us.

Response for Week 4

Arianna P Felix
2023-09-19 16:23:10

The most impact I felt after this weeks readings and resources was procrastination. I felt this because this is something that I tend to do alot and sometimes I don't realize I'm doing it until a majority of the time passes by. I procrastinate on things a lot of the time. I can resolve this issue by scheduling what needs to be done and getting it done ahead of time without distractions. With this, I am able to not feel stressed out when something is due at a certain time or I need to be ready by.