Weekly Responses

Post your weekly responses here.

Responses for Week 11

Prompt: Which document did you choose, and what are you interested in exploring about it?

For this, you’ll need to do two things.

  • Choose one of the list of short documents from history that interests you. (See list on the Critical Thinking Project page.)
    • Skim through the reading at a glance and see what jumps out at you as you look through it.
    • This will be your document for the rest of this project, so pick one that you want to explore or find out more about.
  • For your Week 11 online response, write a post that includes all of the following:
    • Which reading did you pick?
    • Why did it interest you?
    • What passage or detail jumped out at you as you glanced through it?
    • What, specifically, would you like to find out more about?

Week 11 response: Your document

  Mark Wilson
2023-11-08 21:37:01

Hi folks! For this post I want you to write a few sentences about which document you chose and what you want to find out about it.

Remember, the list of documents is on the Critical Thinking Project page. If you haven’t already, go there and pick a document for you to work with for the rest of this project.

Glance through it and see what stands out to you, and talk about that. Do you know something about this subject already? What questions do you have that might need answering?

Response for Week 11

Ysamar S Rojas
2023-12-25 21:42:20

The reading I picked was The Rape of Lucretia the reason was because this reading stood out to me was. Its title kind of called out to me I skim through the reading a bit and that's when I knew that this was the reading I was going to use. Intrigue me to know detail by detail what happened and how it happened and why it happened. I needed an answer to the biggest question which was why is she killed her self after what happened to her. And of course rape is a sensitive topic for many and I feel it's also not talked about as much as it should be.

Response for Week 11

Toussida Karen Zongo
2023-11-26 10:47:01

The document i will be choosing is "Advice to Bride and Groom". As a young christian child growing up i always heard the word marriage and wanted to learn more about it since i am a girl and will be called to marriage in the future. I want to learn more about how couples that are together for more than 30+ years like my grandparents did and what advice can they give to me for the purpose of my future.

Week 8

Djonaya Andrewlina Lorry Matador
2023-11-18 16:01:22

I chose the ''I have a dream'' article and I chose this article because I already have knowledge on the whole civil rights movements along with Activists like Martin Luther King and the things he's done. The topic is also very important and empowering because it sparked great change in history. I also feel that it would be interesting to write about. A detail that jumped out at me would be when he said, ''So even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream'' This was such a strong motivating thing he said which gives off leader characteristics which I love, and I would like to know more about the other things he did.

Response for Week 11

Leah Ann Ojeda
2023-11-15 08:01:32

The reading I picked was the rape of Lucertia. Well to be honest the title by itself is eye catching. It's not just a regular everyday title you read. The detail that jumped out at me was how she killed herself because of the unfortunate event that had happened to her. I would like to find out how her husband reacted or maybe hear his personal thoughts that he has witnessed about his wife.

Response for Week 11

Sashay Denajah Graham
2023-11-15 01:16:07

the document I chose was "I Have A Dream" by Martin Luther king, I chose this text because I find the civil rights movement very empowering. A part I found interesting is when king stated "One hundred years later the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself in exile in his own land." I chose this quote because many of the hardships that minorities experienced then his still very much present today.

Response for Week 11

Guadalupe Dayana Caporal
2023-11-14 15:28:54

I chose the excerpt The Rape of Lucretia because the title sparked my interest and I wanted to learn more about the piece. As I was reading, a line caught my eye: "Then she took up a knife which she had hidden beneath her robe, and plunged it into her heart, collapsing from her wound; she died there amid the cries of her husband and father." This jumped out to me because she didn't want to live with the embarrassment of an innocent circumstance.

hey everyone

Korotoumou Tiffany Gueye
2023-11-14 14:17:14

the document i've picked was Abraham and Isaac. the reason why i have picked this reading is because as a young black muslim women i would like to understand different perspectives of stories made about different prophets. islam can be difficult for me but i always want to grow my knowledge about islam to get closer to my deen. i like to understand stories about islam and grew from it in the best way i can.

Response for week 11

Marlene Mata
2023-11-14 13:51:24

The reading I picked was The Rape of Lucretia, the reason this reading stood out to me originally was because rape is somewhat of a both sensitive topic and not often let alone discussed. I do not have any background info on this specific story/topic. It also caught my interest due to the short sentence summary in which the idea of taking something from someone which they find their most valuable aspect is such a cruel thing but i wished to find out the reason this occurred.

The passage that jumped out of me mainly as I glanced through it was the second paragraph but more specifically " He was well received and given the hospitality of the house, and maddened with love, he waited until he was sure everyone else was asleep. Then he took up his sword and went to Lucretia’s bedroom, and placing his sword against her left breast"

There is so much to unpack in this small section, you cannot fall in love in one day. It is not possible but you can become infatuated or feel lust towards someone and I find it odd the word used was love because there is such a vast majority of romantic words and this just seems incorrect, you would not want to hurt someone you love physically or emotionally.

What passage or detail jumped out at you as you glanced through it?

Something I'd like to know more about is why this story was written the way it was, was there background info I was unaware of? was love back then truly like this? and lastly why is it that someone's honor especially a woman's is based on her "purity"

Response for Week 11

Yadiel Avila
2023-11-14 12:37:23

The reading that I have selected was “The Gettysburg Address”. I have selected this reading because Abraham Lincoln wrote this to address all of those who had fallen in battle and to remind the people why the Union troops were engaging in war. What stood out to me is that in the reading he is honoring all those who perished during the war and is reassuring the people that their death was not in vain due to them fighting for their freedom. I would like to find out more information about the war and the after effects it had on the nation.

Week 11 Response

Muhammed Subhan Zab
2023-11-14 00:12:02

The document that I picked was "Works and Days" by Hesiod because I wanted to read about farming and working hundreds of years ago in the past and how those two practices might be similar or different from what they are like today. I also picked the reading because I was interested to know if the advice Hesiod gives is applicable and relevant today.

Week 11 Response

Selena Cruz-Segundo
2023-11-13 23:55:35

The reading I selected was Plutarch’s “Advice to Bride and Groom” (from Moralia). This reading immediately caught my attention due to the fact that the author discusses important key points on how to maintain a healthy relationship with your significant other. It includes the importance of mutual respect, communication, and shared values in a marital relationship.

One quote that stuck out for me was “Women who prefer to have power over fools rather than to hearken to sensible men, are like persons who prefer to guide the blind on the road rather than to follow persons possessed of knowledge and sight.” The statement seems to carry a moral lesson about the value of seeking wisdom and sensible advice over simply desiring power or control. I believe that relationships tend to deteriorate because of the desire to have control in the relationship and when one does not deal with this situation, it can cause harm to both parties.

Response for Week 11 Post

Arianna P Felix
2023-11-13 22:06:45

The reading I chose for my topic is "A Romance of Lancelot". I was interested in this topic because I already have a bit of knowledge about Lancelot that I've learned from my previous English class in sophomore year of HS, also romance is my favorite genre. A line that caught my attention was "Not finding or seeing her, he said: "Wherever she may be, I shall look for her until I find her." I would like to find out if he really did get to be with his true love, Guinevere in the end or not.

Week 11 response

Jonathan Emilio Guerrero
2023-11-13 22:02:19

I selected "Solon/The Rule of Law" as my reading. The headline really caught my attention. Back then, I was constantly curious about the rules and the consequences for breaking them. I came to understand after reading it that Solon was a just ruler when it came to establishing the laws. For instance, you still had to abide by the same regulations that everyone else did, regardless of your level of fame or fortune.

Response for Week 11

Charliz Sharon Martinez
2023-11-13 21:37:23

The document I chose was “I have a dream” because Martin Luther King jr wanted nothing more then equality towards people of color which was such a powerful topic then and even still today and I feel like it is such a timeless subject.

Response for week 11

Kevin Yeboah Dankwah
2023-11-13 21:33:33

The document I chose was "Abraham and Issac". The reason for this reading is that I read about it before but I did not have a deep understanding. I would like to find more understanding about it and as Christians, Abraham is a great example leader to us about our faith and trust in God.

week 11

Imani Brown
2023-11-13 21:12:45

The reading i chose was "I have a dream". I decided to pick this topic because Martin Luther King was so devoted to end segregation. They said everyone was free but black people weren't entirely free. Martin fought very hard and he had a very big impact with his speech. Martin was able to promote and only believed in fighting for what he wanted without violence. What stuck out to me was the end where he talked about everyone joining hands and saying their free at last. I would like to find more about what happened right after the speech.

week 11 response

Keyline Tejada
2023-11-13 19:00:17

The reading I chose was "The Rape of Lucretia". I chose this reading because I have always been interested in female rights and unfit rulers getting brought down. This story correlates with that because it talks about women getting dishonored by a person of authority. Because she was dishonored, it helped people realize that the person in authority needed to stop and be taken down. A detail that popped out to me is that it had to take a female to be dishonored and die for them to realize that the king needed to be taken down. I find that interesting because usually, in history, females aren't acknowledged, so the fact that a female being dishonored brought to light that the king needed to be overthrown is interesting.

Response for Week 11

Ana Reyes Sanchez
2023-11-13 17:47:09

The reading I chose was " I Have a Dream" . This story interested me because of how Martin Luther King fought so that black people would no longer suffer racism. He wanted to eliminate the discrimination that African Americans suffered, and achieve equality. I think it is a super important issue because Luther King held marches protesting about the rights that were denied to Black people only because of racism and discrimination, even today people of color suffer racism, which is unfair because they also have right like any other people of another race.

Week 11 response

Heavynly Pierce
2023-11-13 17:36:13

The reading I chose is “Abraham and Issac”. I decided to do this reading because I know Abraham and Issac from the Bible, it’s in the first books “genesis” and also because I’m a Christian. And something that stood out to me was “the Messenger of Yahweh calls to Abraham a second time from the heavens, and says, “I have sworn by Myself a declaration of Yahweh that because you have done this thing, and have not withheld your son, your only one, that blessing I bless you, and multiplying I multiply your seed as stars of the heavens, and as sand which is on the seashore; and your Seed possesses the gate of His enemies, and all nations of the earth have blessed themselves in your Seed, because you have listened to My voice.” This stood out to me because it shows if you actually have faith and and trust in the lord that not only would he fulfill what you need but also fulfill the things beyond what you had in mind or what you didn’t think you could accomplish. I want to find out more about this because I like to get a deeper understanding of this story.

Week 11 response: How Didius Julianus bought the empire at auction.

Maria De Los Angeles Grullon Marte
2023-11-13 17:30:23

I chose the document named " How Didius Julianus bought the empire at auction". What made me interested in this document was how the title mentioned a person buying an empire. A detail that jumped out at me was that the people didn't connect with Didius Julius at all and that the Praetorian guards killed Emperor Pertinax. I would like to find out more about how was Emperor Pertinax to his people.

Response for Week 11

Valerie Crystal Macias
2023-11-13 15:55:44

The reading I chose was " The Story of Ruth". This reading made me interested because of the Ruth decision to go with her mother-in-law to Judah help save her mother in law family and future generation. What felt interesting was reading it by itself, it didn't feel like it was a story from the bible with the little mention of God in it. The thing I would like to find out more is how does this impact stories in the future.

Response for Week 11

Brandon Phillip Dennis
2023-11-13 15:48:34

The reading I chose was "Abraham and Isaac". The reason why this specific reading stood out to me is because I'm a Christian and the names are very familiar to me as they are apart of the Bible. The detail that stood out to me as I was reading it was, " Once Isaac came of age, Yahweh suddenly asked Abraham to sacrifice him as a burnt offering to prove his loyalty and faith. Abraham and Isaac then journey to a sacred hill to conduct the sacrifice. The story has Yahweh intervening to prevent the actual slaughter, saying Abraham’s faith was proven. Abraham then sacrificed a nearby ram instead." The reason this stood out to me is because it shows how faith and trust can impact a person's life. What I would like to find out more about is the significance of these series of tests that these people faced.

Week 11 response

Tania Ali
2023-11-12 01:38:24

The reading I chose was an alternative document I found online called "the story of prophet Adam." This story interests me because it is a story in Islam, and as a Muslim I want to be more educated on the background stories of my religion and it is very interesting to know how things turned out to be. What jumped out to me was that the story was similar to other religions who believe Adam is one of the first humans in the world like the story of "Adam and eve" so it shows me that sometimes stories and religions are similar but a little twisted and different in a way. I specifically want to know the exact story and how different it is from the story I heard from my friends who are from different religions.