Weekly Responses

Post your weekly responses here.

Responses for Week 5

Prompt: What would be a good topic to discuss for your presentation, and why? What kinds of things might you talk about?

Week 5 response: Prez topic

  Mark Wilson
2023-09-27 12:14:27

Hi folks!

Here’s where you put forward what you think you might want to talk about for your presentation. As we talked about on Tuesday, the theme is anything relating to the transition to being a college student, and the goal is talk about a change or goal that matters to you. It can be

* a topic we’ve talked about or will be covering later (building empathy, strategizing time management, managing stress),

* something that’s coming up in your other classes (challenges you face in composition, most important things to know about lab work),

* something related to your field (what I didn't expect about becoming a nurse or kinesiologist),

* something that you’re experiencing or expect to be facing (balancing work and school, changing interactions with family),

* even something meta (making a presentation).

For your post, try to include a verb as well as a subject (e.g., “building empathy”). This approach is helpful to you because it can point you toward specific things you can bring up that might be relatable or helpful to your audience.

If you want you can plan this as a “top five” kind of thing, or you can have a three pillars approach (general points on the topic and what’s most important about it; how it relates to me, the speaker; what the audience needs to know). We’ll talk more about this in class, and I’m happy to discuss in person as well.

Make sure to come back to this page later and see what others have posted. Reply to other students’ posts you like with encouragement and suggestions.

Week 5 response: Prez topic

  Mark Wilson
2023-10-01 20:05:46

These are great so far. Let's think ahead to what would be good to go over when discussing this topic, too. What would be one key thing to bring up in relation to your topic? Try to include that with your post or reply back to your own post. Feel free to make suggestions in reply to other students’ ideas, too.

Response to Week 5

Valerie Crystal Macias
2023-10-24 22:42:20

A good topic for a presentation could be easy healthy meals you can make eat maybe. Sometimes people don’t have time to make lunch or breakfast, which they have to use money to buy or food or they just don’t eat that day. I would talk about scheduling a time to make food and easy affordable food that are nutritious.

Response for Week 5

Yadiel Avila
2023-10-11 22:34:23

A topic I would like to talk about is Eating disorders because when people tend to go to college they to eat more or less. So I would like to talk about what causes this eating disorders in college students and what can be done to prevent this. I chose this because as I began college I have realized that I’m skipping meals and so on, which is why I want to bring up this topic.

Response for Week 5

Sashay Denajah Graham
2023-10-09 12:40:20

For my project I will be highlighting harsh college realities that we all experience as first time students. I think we tend to forget there are other students that's learning as they go through college just as we do, many of us share the same experiences which is why its important to socialize and gain a different perspective from each other.

Response for Week 5

Guadalupe Dayana Caporal
2023-10-06 00:12:00

A topic I'd want to discuss is mental health. It's a broad topic, but since this is our first year, there are many factors that correspond with it, such as stress, anxiety, difficulty with time management, and so on.

Response for Week 5

Arianna P Felix
2023-10-03 13:42:36

My topic will be about why college students need to focus more on their overall wellness when feeling overwhelmed or under college pressure.

Response for Week 5

Charliz Sharon Martinez
2023-10-03 13:28:49

A topic I will be doing is mental health because it is such an important thing to be aware of throughout college and especially in the beginning stages of college because there is so much adjusting

Response for Week 5

Indiana Yeliza Garcia
2023-10-03 00:20:11

Being a subject to which many people can identify, anxiety is perfect for my presentation. Speaking about anxiety can help others better understand it, reduce the judgment that is attached to it, and provide useful knowledge on how to handle it. This encourages those who battle with anxiety to show empathy and understanding.In my lecture, I intended to discuss the origins and symptoms of anxiety. The references and solutions for overcoming it.

Week 5 Response

Muhammed Subhan Zab
2023-10-03 00:12:18

The topic I will be choosing to talk about is time management, more specifically how to manage college work and hobbies without sacrificing one for the other. Also, since my presentation will be on time management, I want to discuss how to create a schedule that is easy and enjoyable to follow, not something that you force yourself to do.

Week 5

Djonaya Andrewlina Lorry Matador
2023-10-02 23:10:52

I choose to focus on Anxiety/Depression. I choose to focus on this because I feel as though it isn’t really covered as much being Depression a huge topic. College can get really stressful for many students causing them to fall into depression. Many students tend to get really anxious when it comes to their academic performance and due to the environment and other factors so I feel as though I should bring awareness to the topic as well as list ways students can help cope with it to keep going.

week 5 response

Keyline Tejada
2023-10-02 19:56:20

I want to talk about learning how to build connections with the people around you, how vital those connections will be in the future or currently, and how those connections can help you get further along in your academic career. This is an important topic because many students need help building relationships with their classmates or even professors, and most of the time, that can lead to students struggling in school. In my presentations, I want to demonstrate the importance of making connections and how you could do it.

Weekly response

Leah Ann Ojeda
2023-10-02 19:47:35

So the topic I will be picking is mental health. In my opinion I feel like us students don’t talk about how important it is and what we really deal with internally. I feel like the field I am in it is very important to analyze but also deeply understand what the patient maybe feeling, thinking and providing awareness if necessary. I feel like as a college student in my opinion we can get overwhelmed from our life whether it’s working , or family problems or just life. Which can be a lot on someone’s plate. Which can cause procrastination or low motivation.

Week 5 Response

Selena Cruz-Segundo
2023-10-02 17:50:03

A topic I want to discuss is physical wellness, specifically the importance of nutrition and exercise. I want to examine how nutrition and exercise can affect a student’s college life. I believe that college students disregard the consequences of not taking care of their own health which can hinder their performance in school. How does exercise and/or nutrition improve our lifestyle, physically and academically?

Response for week 5

Marlene Mata
2023-10-02 16:23:30

There are many wonderful topics that could be chosen but I believe I wish to expand more on the topic of leadership and will be choosing that as my presentation topic. Leadership is more than just what it sounds like, many individuals struggle to find these traits like being able to manage people in a work setting or reach out to them in a way that sticks, I wish to elaborate on that. As well as I hope to expand on why having leadership qualities is important in more than just a work setting but also in your daily life and how to incorporate these qualities and gain the ability to have them. I was inspired as someone who is more quiet and struggles with the idea of leadership I hope this will both serve me as research in a way so I can serve others the idea of becoming a leader in all aspects of life.

week 5 response

Tania Ali
2023-10-02 06:03:36

A challenge that's come up for me as a college student was getting the other things in my daily life done, while also trying to maintain a good GPA and pass all classes with high grades. Everyone's daily life may be similar, but different depending if you work or not, where your from, even outside things like religion comes into this. For me, I have to pray 5 times a day for my religion since it is my first priority and then also keep up with college, family, cleaning other chores as well as sleep. So, I would like to discuss how to keep up with your school work with a busy schedule.

Response for Week 5

Brandon Phillip Dennis
2023-10-01 23:14:21

The topic I am choosing to discuss is relationship challenges. I am choosing this topic because maintaining healthy relationships with friends and family while navigating the demands of college life can be difficult. Relationship issues may not be openly discussed because each individual have their own priorities to focus on which can cause lack of communication and time.

Week 5 response

Angel Gabriel Bautista
2023-10-01 21:37:53

The topic I would like to discuss would be money management. I can confidently say that me and my peers as a collective struggle with money management to a certain degree and would like to know or learn the mindset in order to keep track of our spendings and use it sparingly or in a better way.

Week 5 response

Kevin Yeboah Dankwah
2023-10-01 14:21:40

The topic I choose for presentation is about sleep. I think as students and workers at the same time, some of us are not able to have a good sleep to enhance our productivity. I will talk about the benefits of sleep and tips for a good sleep.

RE: Week 5 response

  Mark Wilson
2023-10-01 20:06:41

Kevin, this sounds good and I look forward to it.

week 5 Response

Toussida Karen Zongo
2023-10-01 14:18:47

A good topic I will discuss about is "How to manage school and work". I know many of my peers find it hard to balance school and work. It's either we're caught up in a bunch of assignments or we're working until 10 and coming back home, tired and not feeling motivated to do any school work. I get it, trust me. which is why I would like to highlight this topic as a good discussion that needs to be brought to attention.

RE: week 5 Response

  Mark Wilson
2023-10-01 20:07:36

Hi Toussida, this is a good topic and very relatable. (In fact, as we saw on Thursday, I'm still relating to it!)

Week 5 Response

Jonathan Emilio Guerrero
2023-10-01 00:38:19

A topic I choice for my presentation is time management. I feel as a freshman in college trying to manage your time is a difficult thing for example trying to find free time for yourself, family issues, and schoolwork. I will talk about how to manage time.

RE: Week 5 Response

  Mark Wilson
2023-10-01 20:09:32

Hi Jonathan, I like this. The good thing about this topic is that there are different kinds of practical approaches, so you can explore different options and maybe people will have their own favorites or things they want to try.

Response for Week 5

Korotoumou Tiffany Gueye
2023-09-30 21:34:11

i topic i would want to talk about in my presentation is stress, i choose stress because i think i can speak for everyone when i say we all have been through i. not only as a college student but in life in general. in my presentation i will talk about the causes of stress, how to help, tips and more.

RE: Response for Week 5

  Mark Wilson
2023-10-01 20:10:39

Hi Korotoumou, This is definitely useful and very relatable. Looking forward to it!

week 5 topic

Ysamar S Rojas
2023-09-30 00:33:57

The topic that I chose for my presentation will be time management. I know that many people, not just college students struggle with time management. Including myself, I tend to I struggle to balance a my life out sometimes therefore affecting my time management. I'll be speaking about different things you can do to manage your time and tips and tricks to balance your life out.

RE: week 5 topic

  Mark Wilson
2023-10-01 20:12:28

HI Ysamar, sounds great! This is a subject with a lot of possible approaches, so there’s a lot to work with an explore and you can single out the ideas and strategies that seem most reasonable.

Week 5: Topic

Ana Reyes Sanchez
2023-09-29 17:44:11

The topic I chose to present is stress management. I'll be talking about this topic because it is one of the problems that college students frequently face, I also suffer from constant stress because just knowing that I have pending tasks makes me stressed. I will be explaining ways to improve and solves this problem.

RE: Week 5: Topic

  Mark Wilson
2023-10-01 20:15:17

Hi Ana, sounds good! With this topic there’s an opportunity to start with recognizing whether you’re stressing and whether you’re dealing with it, because a lot of folks shy away from it—that mindfulness thing I always harp on about. Then there’s strategies for improvement, including available resources.

Week 5: Topic

Imani Brown
2023-09-29 10:52:47

The topic ill be talking about in my presentation is time management. I realize most new college students have very poor time management. Students like myself may tend to procrastinate or find hard to make time for things you used to do before school. Ill be talking about different tips to help solve this.

RE: Week 5: Topic

  Mark Wilson
2023-10-01 20:16:09

Hi Imani, this is a key topic and I like the emphasis on the procrastination angle because the temptation is always there. Some strategies for dealing with that would definitely be helpful.

Topic for Presentation

Maria De Los Angeles Grullon Marte
2023-09-28 15:00:30

A good topic to discuss for my presentation is stress management because a lot of college students including myself get a lot of stress so it's a good thing to know how to manage it. I might talk about different things that help manage stress and how each one works.

RE: Topic for Presentation

  Mark Wilson
2023-10-01 20:18:45

Hi Maria, This is definitely a core topic with lots of possibilities. A good starting place is your friends’ and your own situation—is everyone experiencing the same kind of stress, and how are people dealing with it or not dealing with it? Do you know people who are under a lot of pressure but seem to have a good handle on it? Looking forward to your talk.

Week 5 response: Prez topic

Sharmin Alejo
2023-09-28 14:01:01

What I think I could talk about is insomnia in teenagers and how they could solve this disorder.

RE: Week 5 response: Prez topic

  Mark Wilson
2023-10-01 20:21:50

Hi Sharmin, Good topic. One thing you’ll want to start with is where the lack of sleep is coming from. It can be all kinds of things—stress, worry, not leaving time to sleep, diet, prioritizing studying or social life over sleeping, medical disorders—so the real key here is self-awareness. Then comes the strategies and resources. Sounds good!