Weekly Responses

Post your weekly responses here.

Responses for Week 3

Prompt: Explore at least one of the resources suggested by in the DAACS responses, either in the Self-Regulated Learning or the Writing segments, and talk about what you found and how you think it might relate to your own sense of your confidence, skills, or readiness after taking the assessment.

This week's response: Resources for taking action

  Mark Wilson
2023-09-16 17:45:24

Hi folks! This week's response is digging into one of the resources that came up after you took your DAACS and talking about what you find, what kinds of things seem more or less useful, that kind of thing.

You can also talk about other strategies, resources you have encountered online or elsewhere, or family experiences you’ve had relating to the topics that came up in your assessments, like time-management, gaining writing skills, and so on. The goal here is to talk about taking action and ways to go about doing it.

If you haven't taken your first two DAACS assessments, please go back to the Week 2 responses and follow the instructions there, then come back here and make your Week 3 post. Email me with any questions!

week 3 response

Tania Ali
2023-11-09 19:39:31

In the DAACS assesement my Self−Efficacy for Mathematics was high and I would say its because it is one of my favorite subjects and I like math a lot and problem solving since it is like a puzzle to me. It says my motivation falls in the middle which I would say is true about me because sometimes I randomly have so much motivation and then get lazy the next day and end up not doing it. I had a low scoring on my strategies, I would say this is true since I don't have that many ways of studying and knowing what works best for me, I guess I just lose focus at times and it honestly depends on what material and subject it is to see which type of learning strategy works best for me. So overall I would say most of my results on the assesement were correct.

Week 3

Rienne Maria Rivera
2023-10-03 09:36:29

From my DAACS results I was able to acknowledge the areas I’m not as proficient in. The results allowed me to reflect on areas I know are important but wouldn’t be implement into my studies. Such as using strategies to have better focus on the task and creating an environment where I'm able to clearly think and analyze what I’m doing. After seeing my results and knowing what needed to be done, I started planning out my days to be able to break my old habits to incorporate better habits. Also, I created a quiet area and I have somewhat stopped doing assignments on my bed.

Week 3

Djonaya Andrewlina Lorry Matador
2023-09-27 23:57:10

From the DAACS I learned that I myself can do much better when it comes to managing my anxiety as well as managing my time. I agree with this because sometimes my anxiety does tend to overwhelm me and sometimes I do lose track of time by being distracted. Moving forward I can surely find ways to cope my anxiety so that it doesn’t negatively impact my schoolwork along with finding great time management skills. When it comes to my anxiety I can do things such as taking deep breaths and when it comes to time management I can plan things ahead of time and not lose track of time.

Response for Week 3

Korotoumou Tiffany Gueye
2023-09-21 20:50:22

The responses I've gotten from this survey can help me in life or even with my college courses, it's a way for me to grow academically or to even grow in general in life. This self regulating survey helps me understand and see what I need to work on and apply to my life and courses. this to me was very helpful and needed. i can now use the strategies the survey suggested and use them.

Response for Week 3

Yadiel Avila
2023-09-21 12:43:38

From my DAACS results I was able to acknowledge the areas I’m not as proficient or the level I need to be at in order to be successful. The results allowed me to reflect on areas I knew were important but wouldn’t implement into my studies. Such as using strategies to better focus on the task at hand and creating an environment where I am able to clearly think and analyze what I’m doing. After seeing my results and knowing what needed to be done I started planning out my days even though I don’t manage to do everything I planned its a small step forward. Also I created a quiet area and I have somewhat stopped doing assignments on my bed.

Response for Week 3

Indiana Yeliza Garcia
2023-09-21 01:46:18

In the DAACS I learned that I struggled in the self efficacy for online learning. It made me realize that I need to be more open with learning online because most of the work in college is online. I know have an open mind about learning online and I am more confident that I can do it and can improve. I was always so used to doing my work on paper but as the weeks past by I am sure that I am capable of becoming more open with it.

Response for Week 3

Arianna P Felix
2023-09-19 15:33:27

After my DAAS results, l found out that I have an overall high self-regulated learning. Feedback I received on what I can improve on is my motivation. My motivation is low in mathematics and testing. Because mathematics is a weak subject for me, it lowers my self-confidence and I tend to get super stressed about doing assignments and testing when mathematics is involved. I also get anxiety when it comes to testing because I fear that I will forget the material for specific questions. I can overcome this issue by having a study plan to reassure myself of not forgetting the material, taking deep breaths when I get overwhelmed, restricting myself from having a negative mindset, or talking and reviewing the material with a friend.

Responce for week 3

Imani Brown
2023-09-19 14:10:05

After taking the DAACS survey i learned more about where i struggle in certain academic areas. My results gave me a better understanding on what i need to work on such as managing my environment. When i tend to take a test or its time to study i get very distracted by my phone or even loud noise in the background. One strategy i will learn to use based on my results is strategies to eliminate or reduce distraction.


Heavynly Pierce
2023-09-19 13:47:36

When I looked at my self-regulation learning results and the feedback it made me realize that I need to start asking for help when i need help because i need to be on top of my work and the strategies I’m planning on using is learning how to get assistance to improve my learning, complete assignments correctly, to feel more confident about my school work. After all, I don’t ask for help a lot because I like to figure things out on my own but sometimes it does be hard to get everything done and correct because of my lack of understanding so now I know to ask for help when I need to because it will help me in the future to finish my work correctly.

Response for Week 3

Leah Ann Ojeda
2023-09-19 09:04:03

So for me it was multiple strategies that I was suggested through DAACS. The main one that I focused to understand was metacognition. The reason for that is because it was going into to depth with how to create strategies. Which to be honest by me creating strategies to better comprehend what I am learning would just make my life more simpler. For instance it has allowed me to further understand material of which before I would not have looked into at the same depth as I would now using metacognition.

Week 3 Response

Muhammed Subhan Zab
2023-09-19 01:03:01

After completing the DAACS self-regulated learning survey, one skill that I was suggested to improve on was time management. One piece of advice from the DAACS summary report was to set aside specific time for college work and to create and adhere to a schedule to enhance productivity and work quality.

Additionally, the report recommended completing assignments before engaging in miscellaneous activities and prioritizing schoolwork over less essential tasks. Another valuable piece of advice related to time management was to estimate the time needed to complete assignments and then compare it to the actual time spent to avoid spending too little or too much time on schoolwork, potentially affecting its quality.

Overall, I received detailed and helpful advice from the DAACS self-regulated learning survey. The summary provided straightforward suggestions that appear simple and easy to incorporate into my daily life, but nothing revolutionary or something I had not thought of before. However, I had yet to act on these suggestions due to laziness or a perceived inability to change. This will change over time as I delve deeper into what DAACS and its resources offer. The DAACS summaries can help me and others improve in various areas necessary for success in college. The only obstacle in our way is the amount of time and effort we are willing to invest in enhancing our strengths and addressing our weaknesses.

week 3 response

Ysamar S Rojas
2023-09-19 00:09:32

My overall score in self efficacy was emerging this suggest that I have some work to do when it comes to my efficiency. I find this interesting because there's certain things where I feel efficacy is a lot better and stronger and I think it really depends on what I'm working on and of course I feel shouldn't be like this. Two things I will be doing moving forward to always have high efficacy are changing my work environment because I feel like this plays a big role and setting goals to to keep myself in check and making sure I'm tracking my progress.

week 3 response

Keyline Tejada
2023-09-18 22:47:03

After taking the DAACs in Managing test anxiety, it demonstrated that I ranked low when it came to feeling prepared before taking a test, and I filled up with anxiety. One of the resources they advised me to use was to create a study schedule before the test date and to practice. Positive self-talk and develop good test taking skills so that when I do take a test I won't get that overwhelming feeling of anxiety that I usually get. The DAACs also advised that I practice self relaxation techniques such as meditation or finding a hobby that'll help me relax the day before I have an important test. This would be beneficial because it'll help me calm down and feel better prepared for testing.

Response for Week 3

Angel Gabriel Bautista
2023-09-18 22:12:33

After completing my DAACS self-regulating assessment, it advised me that despite the fact that I would say I work well in loud environments, I should schedule time to work in a quiet area. It also advised me to study much more. In general, the assessment showed that I am in between developing and emerging heavily except for two skills self-efficacy for writing and managing test anxiety. I would say DAACS was rather accurate even more than I expected and I'd like to work on what was presented to me at whatever pace seems fit.

Response for Week 3

Sashay Denajah Graham
2023-09-18 22:04:42

On My self regulated learning I scored high on self efficacy, this is my confidence in my ability to do something. My overall score in self efficacy was emerging this suggest that my confidence goes up and down depending on the particular task, for example I tend to doubt my self when it comes to mathematics. Two tactics I can use to promote self efficacy are positive talk and setting realistic goals to track progress.

Response for Week 3

Charliz Sharon Martinez
2023-09-18 15:59:20

After taking my DAACS self regulating assessment it shared with me that I need to make time for work in a quite zone because I would say that I do work in pretty loud settings. It also stated that I should study a lot more. Especially with my math because I love to read and write but with math it takes me a little longer to grasp it. I would say that the assessment was pretty accurate with answers that I gave and I would say that these are things that I have to work on.

Response for week 3

Marlene Mata
2023-09-18 15:28:09

After taking my diagnostic assessment & achievement of college skills l realized I scored mediocrely on my self regulated learning assessment. Although I scored low on a few things one score stood out to me particularly being the motivation section. "Motivation is the desire or will to do something. When people are motivated, they invest a lot of effort in their work, persist when challenged, and try do the best possible job they can." Upon looking at my results I gauged that my motivation was in the low range meaning I struggle to properly reach my goals, my mindset is slightly poor and I deal with test anxiety. Luckily Daac's provided me with resources to help aid me in my issues which included 3 videos which all taught me valuable lessons like for example to fix my mindset I'd need to follow a growth mindset instead of being stuck in a "I cannot" mindset otherwise there will be no growth. Secondly for Reducing my test anxiety a chart was provided in which gave me tips like taking better notes, positive pep talk, learning to relax my anxiety overall with techniques like deep breaths and lastly creating a schedule which helps reduce stress which in turn reduces anxiety. Lastly to fix my goal orientation I was provided with another chart which also gave me tips like reframing the way I think about my failures and taking it as a learning experience rather than something that did not go my way. There's plenty of things for me to improve on and I'm greatful daac's has helped me realized my weaknesses.

Response for week 3

Jonathan Emilio Guerrero
2023-09-18 13:32:36

My Self-Regulated learning state that my score on the metacognition scale suggests that I do not tend to use metacognitive skills as frequently as I should be. If I work on my metacognition skills, I will be able to take control of my thinking, will be able to understand things more deeply, remember them longer, and do better in school. The DAACS report says I should watch a video about improving my metacognition skills.

Response for Week 3

Valerie Crystal Macias
2023-09-18 10:54:40

My Self Regulated Learning says that I need to work on my mindset which is a good area to work on because a bad mindset can affect my work/study negatively . So the report suggests that I view my mistakes as a part of learn and that same mindset for viewing challenges. Also the DAACS report says I should visit the Online Writing Lab to work on my content and organization when writing.

Response for week 3

Kevin Yeboah Dankwah
2023-09-18 09:07:29

The self-regulated learning assessment suggest I have low self-efficacy for reading and medium level for writing. The self-regulated learning suggested resources to help level up my self-efficacy for reading and writing .

DAACS recommended me to visit Excelsior online reading lab. Excelsior online reading lab provided me with various strategies to improve my reading efficacy such the use of annotations, questions, paraphrasing and more .The recommendation of online reading lab is really helping. I am hoping to try all recommendations suggested by DACCS.

Week 3 Response

Selena Cruz-Segundo
2023-09-17 21:32:11

In the SRL segment, my overall score in Self-Efficacy was Emerging which indicates that I have some self-efficacy for certain tasks and it’s possible that my confidence goes up and down depending on the particular task. Two tactics that promote self-efficacy are positive self-talk and setting realistic goals to set track progress. My results for self-efficacy in reading and writing were medium, suggesting that I should have more confidence in my abilities. In order to improve and stay motivated in challenging myself, DAACS recommended me several strategies such as an Online Reading Comprehension Lab and an Online Writing Lab. Both of these resources include instructional videos, reference guides, samples, pre-tests, post-tests, practice questions, etc. I still have to explore the rest of the resources the website provides but these labs are extremely helpful.

Response for Week 3

Brandon Phillip Dennis
2023-09-17 20:58:09

Based on my DAACS survey my responses averaged me in the range of emerging and mastering. The self-regulating assessment suggested that I lacked some motivation, whilst for the writing segment it said I was ok. Regardless of what the survey said about my writing I strongly believe that I can improve a lot in my writing. Whether it might be in my vocabulary or the overall structure of my writing. As the self-regulating assessment suggested I need to manifest some motivation and I totally agree. At times that's the reason why I do assignments last minute as I am doing them just for the sake of not failing rather than finding it engaging or captivating.

Week 3 response

Ana Reyes Sanchez
2023-09-17 18:53:25

My results for DAACS survey were in the middle range, the feedback that I received for self-regulated was that I need to have more self- motivation, and don't think negative. Develop my skills to do better and keep practicing.But also, in the writing part my results were middle range, the reason was because I need to organize paragraphs better. I think that I need to keep practicing in reading because that helps you to write and make organize , coherent paragraphs. However, I need to work on my negative thoughts, and trust myself more to have more confidence. After I took the assessment and I saw my results and the feedbacks , I started to apply these strategies and they have helped me a lot to in improving my skills to obtain better results the DAACS tests or in any other course.