Weekly Responses

Post your weekly responses here.

Responses for Week 2

The Diagnostic Assessment and Achievement of College Skills, or DAACS, is a tool that assesses your skills in reading, writing, math, and self-regulated learning. It provides you with personalized feedback and resources to succeed. DAACS is not a test – its purpose is not to judge you, or to give you a grade, but to support you in learning more about your readiness for college-level academic work and provide you with the tools you need to succeed.

Your DAACS results do not influence your grade for this assignment. Completion of the tasks is all that matters.

Eventually you will take the four DAACS assessments: self-regulated learning (SRL), writing, reading, and mathematics.

For the Week 2 assignment, you’ll need to do the first two assessments:

  • self-regulated learning (SRL), and
  • writing.

After you read through your results and feedback and perhaps explore a recommended resource or two, email me your summary report and response to the writing prompt. Here are detailed instructions:

  1. First, do the following:
    • navigate to cuny.daacs.net,
    • login using your CUNY login info,
    • complete the first two assessments, and
    • review the feedback.
  2. These assessments are untimed—you can start and stop them at any time. You do not need to complete the assessments in one sitting.
  3. After taking the assessments, reviewing the feedback, and perhaps exploring the recommended resources, do the following:
    • download your summary report and your response to the writing assessment, and
    • email them to me at mark.wilson@lehman.cuny.edu.