Weekly Responses

Post your weekly responses here.

Responses for Week 6

Prompt: What’s one fact or idea you want to include in your presentation? What’s interesting or significant about it?

Week 6 response

  Mark Wilson
2023-10-05 12:01:22

Hi folks! Your response challenge for this week is to expand on your topic and post one fact, idea, or thing you want to talk about for your presentation. Talk about it a little—what makes it interesting or significant to you, why you feel it’s important or relatable, that kind of thing.

If you have not yet posted your topic in Week 5, you needs to do that first. Then come back and post here for.

Response for Week 6

Toussida Karen Zongo
2023-11-26 10:24:20

Even thought it is late i did my presentation on how to let go of certain things that no longer add value to your lives. Transitioning from high school to college is a scary thing and not knowing how to deal with the real world itself is the hardest part. so in my video i carefully went in details of how to let go of whatever it is that each individual needed to let go of.

Week 6 response

Valerie Crystal Macias
2023-10-24 22:58:03

I’m doing my presentation on how you can study better, so a thing I would want to add is how your environment affects your how you study. Working in a distracting environment can make you unfocused on your work and you won’t be able to complete it and stress you out later on.

Week 6

Djonaya Andrewlina Lorry Matador
2023-10-23 18:54:57

I did my presentation on Depression. I made sure to include many facts and ideas. I made sure to explain what Depression actually is along with the risk factors and coping mechanisms. Because of how important my topic is I kind of went in dept and also included outside information from various websites in my presentation. But overall, I explained what some of the causes may be, symptoms and ways one could get better.

Response for Week 6

Leah Ann Ojeda
2023-10-19 19:14:54

The topic that I will be presenting is mental health. One fact I want to include in my presentation is how many people tend to lie when being asked if there okay due to the fact they rather not speak about it or because of the fact they feel unsafe with opening up to that person. I feel like my topic is a relatable subject. However I feel like most everyone can relate in a way. Whether it's within themselves or with a loved one. I feel like its very interesting to me because its a topic that mainly all of us as people can connect too.

week 6 response

Marlene Mata
2023-10-19 14:29:15

Society is all driven by a few main factors and having a good leader is often one of those factors, growing up I was always the "group leader" in any projects and although it was easier in a group of people you knew I noticed later on in life I became more of a follower and was more shy to voice my opinions or what I believed was the best course for the group. It's extremely important to have this conversation as many recruiters have told us face front even in class that the new generation lacks these leadership skills. Although having great communication and patience and such all the qualities employers like seeing us have leadership is one of the biggest qualities you can obtain. A fact I'd love to include is how many employers are most likely to select people who have leadership skills vs none and why having these skills is important, not having them can be detrimental to many aspects of your life not just professionally but also socially and in family settings.

Response for Week 6

Guadalupe Dayana Caporal
2023-10-18 00:59:20

I believe that mental health is a major issue for freshman in college because we are all adjusting to a routine and surroundings, thus I believe that this will be very relatable. In my presentation, I will discuss how poor mental health can impair our productivity or performance, resulting in anxiety and stress.

week 6 response

Tania Ali
2023-10-17 13:08:51

My topic was maintaining a good GPA and doing well in all classes while having a busy schedule as one of the older daughters in a 9 people household and as a muslim. My religion is a big part of who I am and is my top priority so it is important to me. I want to talk about how if I have a good connection with yourself, others, and Allah in my religion, and I am productive doing my school work at the same time together, I feel more motivated to do things. It gives less stress because you get used to the amonut of work and your schedule will feel more organized. So I will tlak about how to organize your day if you have a busy schedule. People will relate to this because there are many people who have other personal things and goals in their life which they need to care about in order to do well in their life academically, physically, and mentally.

weekly response 6

Keyline Tejada
2023-10-12 19:36:35

One fact I want to include in my presentation is, people are more likely to become more successful when they create more connection with others because they help promote you better in front of carrier options and employers

Response for Week 6

Brandon Phillip Dennis
2023-10-12 10:54:26

My presentation is about personal relationships and how they can impact one's college life. In my presentation I will discuss how having relationships whilst balancing college can be very hectic and how it can either be impacting your life positively or negatively.

Response for Week 6

Yadiel Avila
2023-10-11 22:39:32

My topic is eating disorders and I picked it because what we eat is an important factor in our lives and talking from experience since starting college i tend to skip meals. In my presentation I would discuss what causes college students begin unhealthy eating habits and what the outcome is also relating it to me , using myself as a personal example .

Week 6

Heavynly Pierce
2023-10-11 21:37:26

My topic is going to be about mental health, and why it's important to keep good mental health in college. I decided on this topic because I struggle with keeping my mental health good and it really does affect my schoolwork and college.

Response for Week 6

Ysamar S Rojas
2023-10-11 00:12:59

My topic is about time management. One thing I want to talk about in my presentation is to help people understand how important it is to have time management. It has benefits. One benefit of having time management is that it creates a better work-life balance. This topic is important to me because as much as I am teaching people and giving tips about this topic I am also Learning and helping myself since I struggle with this as well. And I feel this topic is a very relatable because there's many people who struggle with this in college, and I also have friends and family who do.

Week 6

Jonathan Emilio Guerrero
2023-10-10 12:14:08

My presentation will be about trying to manage your time. As a college student, it isn't easy to make a schedule for yourself. And the reason for that is because you could be having a lot of work, trying to find time in between to study or having free time to yourself. I find it very interesting to me because for me, I find it very difficult to find time in between, so I would like to talk about some tips and strategies to help you

Week 6 Reponse

Muhammed Subhan Zab
2023-10-10 01:36:21

Since my presentation will be about time management, one idea I want to explore in my presentation is how to create a schedule and follow through with it. In my experience, the hardest part of time management is not creating a plan or schedule, but following it. So, I want to explore ways that actually work when it comes to managing time and sticking to a schedule, even though at first, following a set schedule can be an intimidating task that can be easy to give up on. When an unorganized schedule, which barely gets us through the day, is more appealing to most, I think a schedule with hard deadlines has many benefits and advantages that many people, including myself, are missing out on.

Week 6 Response

Angel Gabriel Bautista
2023-10-09 23:23:08

In my presentation, I will be speaking about money management as a college student because we may have a ton of wants in our life but we must center our spendings on needs and keep the wants to a minimum. Times like now where at this age we will be working and gaining money there are times when we get haywire and go on a spending spree. Now although spending sprees can be done when certain conditions are made (such as the "could I buy this product 5 or more times?" method) it is important to always keep some sort of budget. There are times when mindsets such as the "It's only five bucks mentality" where whatever you bought may seem for the cheap could actually be draining your money by the second.

Week 6 Response

Selena Cruz-Segundo
2023-10-09 22:05:32

When discussing physical wellness, most students usually acknowledge the benefits of what exercise and maintaining a good nutrition can do to their body. Although exercise does help prevent obesity-related illnesses, it also increases academic performance. There are various studies that support this idea as well (this is a fact). In my presentation, I want to present the “top things to know” about this topic through an educational video. Elaborating on some studies is also crucial so my peers can have a better understanding of the information provided to them.

One takeaway: physical activity can have an impact on cognitive skills, attitudes which can affect one’s academic behavior.

Another takeaway: maintaining a good nutrition significantly affects our mental health which plays a role in our academic performance by improving concentration and attention span.

Hi everyone!

Charliz Sharon Martinez
2023-10-09 19:28:26

In my presentation, I will be speaking about mental health more importantly as a college student because we have a lot of deadline's that we have to meet and some of us we work. In that time we cramp to finish things and study throughout the week to be on top of things. As teenagers sleep is what we need and even though we need eight hours of sleep we don't so I wanted to talk about how sleep can affect our mental health

Response for Week 6

Sashay Denajah Graham
2023-10-09 12:46:03

An idea I want to include in my presentation is how challenging college can be. From trying to make friends to keeping up with assignments, it can sometimes get heavy, which is why it's important to find health ways to unload yourself; It's ok to take a break your health is more important than a deadline.

Response for Week 6

Arianna P Felix
2023-10-08 23:56:49

In my presentation, I am going to explain the importance of mental health as a college student, the causes of stress and burn out and how to relieve it. A fact that I am adding are the many ways immense stress can cause numerous of mental, emotional and physical health problems such as high blood pressure, insomnia, panic attacks and depression.

Response for week 6

Kevin Yeboah Dankwah
2023-10-08 15:36:19

My presentation is about sleep. I will talk about the the questions- what is sleep, benefits of sleep, facts about sleep and effects of lack of sleep. One fact about sleep is that human spend 1/3 of their life sleeping.

Week 6 response

Ana Reyes Sanchez
2023-10-07 18:20:34

In my presentation I am going to talk about stress management. One fact that I want to add is that stress can cause health problems, for example stomach diseases, obesity, insomnia, and many more diseases. In the presentation I will be talking about how to solve this problem to avoid these diseases.

hey everyone

Korotoumou Tiffany Gueye
2023-10-06 10:56:58

i think one fact or idea i want to add in my presentation is that stress can weakened the immune system and can cause serious heath disorders such as depression and anxiety, also that there is many different kinds of stress

Week 6 Responce

Imani Brown
2023-10-06 10:56:13

My presentation is about Time management, One idea i would like to include in my presentation is procrastination. Procrastination is a major problem in almost everyones time management struggles. Effective time management can reduce stress, improve productivity, you'll also be able to have free time you didn't know you had.